Chapter 12

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wow. i never knew i'd get so many.

it might not seem like a lot, but to me it is. lol.

well, here's the chapter.


James' POV

She said she trusted me..

How could she trust me after what happened? After everything she heard?

Oh, right. She thinks she's 7 years old.

I never wanted to do this to her..I suppose I just wanted to bring her back, you know? Just to make sure she was alright..

And now her loving family is gone..

What have I done?


Louis' POV

Liam was going crazy.

We didn't let him drive home, considering the scene he caused back at the Institute.

He was sitting in the back with Harry and Niall, the two boys trying to comfort him.

Zayn was in the front with me, his gaze never leaving his passenger window.

We soon arrived back at our flat, and we all went inside.

Liam went straight to his room, and so did the other boys.

However..Niall and Harry both went to Harry's

Guess they're just great (adoptive) brothers and friends, huh?

I slowly went to my own room, closing the door and sitting down on my bed.

Who's fault was it? Why would she leave? Why didn't she just try to talk to us first? Why..why..why..

Questions that had no answers flooded my mind, but one question stood out.

Would we ever get our precious Emily back..?


Liam's POV

I closed and locked the door to my bedroom, basically collapsing on my bed.

I looked up at the ceiling, my head pounding.

Why wouldn't they give Emily back?

Was she really that important to the Institute?

I guess she is..

Maybe the boys and I should just..let her go..? We only had her for a few days, anyways..

She probably doesn't even want us anymore.


just a filler chapter about how people feel.

lol i know you guys were expecting more.


i'm on thanksgiving break so hopefully i'll get more published.


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