Chapter 10-Returning

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I apologize for not extremely busy with marching band and such.

So, the last time I checked this story's reads, it said 150 or something..guess what it says now?

1.2k YAAAS!

I'm so happy oh my gosh. c: Thank you all so so so much!

Well, how about an update about life?

I've been in school for almost 3 months now, and it's been great.

I am in a relationship with this really great guy. Not to brag, but he's sooooo cute. >u<

He's all muscular and sexy and ugh.

Also, in marching band, we've gotten first place for all but one of our competitions.


By the way, the picture is Emily.

Here's the chapter!






Liam's POV

My grip on the steering wheel was tight, turning my knuckles white.

How could Emily do this? Just..leave?

I mean, yeah. We had some complications in the family, but we could have fixed them.

I was in the driver's seat, Louis in the passenger seat, and everyone else in the back three seats.

We were headed back to the Institute, where hopefully Emily would be.

If she wasn't there..where would she be? It was the only place that we could check..

What if we never find her?


Emily's POV

I hugged James tightly, a wide smile on my face.

He's so much older looking..I guess people grow fast, huh?

I wasn't too much younger than him, but it seemed like he was a lot older now.

He helped me up, then took me to where his office was.

"Where's Richard?" I asked, referring to his father.

He tensed up a bit, looking at me. "He's..he's out right now." James said softly.

"Oh..okay!" I said and smiled, looking around.

Suddenly, I heard some yelling coming from the main lobby.

James told me to stay where I was, and he rushed out of the room to go to the lobby. I sat down on a chair, figuring it was just another hybrid trying to escape.

I was used to hearing them scream..I mean, why would you scream though?

It's not that bad here, right?

Shortest and suckiest chapter ever.

Well uh.

Bye? :c

I'll hopefully update more this week.

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