Chapter 6-Awkward?

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A/N okay so uh I checked the amount of views and it says 15 views?!

I bet all of those are mine but YA KNOW

Still it'd be cool if 15 people read my fanfic omg

I've never gotten any reads lmfao

Would you guys mind commenting if you read it? I wanna make sure I'm not losing my mind..

Here's the chappie!






Emily's POV

I woke up in someone's arms.

Oh gosh. Did I go into Liam's room again?

I turned around to see Louis, and let out a sigh of relief. Good, it's just Lou.

Slowly, he woke up as well, seeing me and smiling reassuringly.

"Sleep well..?" He asked softly, and I nodded a bit, but got out of his bed, and walked into my room.

Thankfully, Liam wasn't still there, and neither was Zayn. So, I closed and locked the door.

Usually I never locked the door, but after last night, I didn't want to take any chances..what if one of the boys wanted to hurt me this time..?

I mean, Liam didn't hurt me..but..yeah.

I took a shower, put clothes on, and went downstairs.

Only Harry and Niall were there, and Harry was cooking. He had Niall behind him, the Irish boy's arms around his waist.

"Hey..guys.." I said, not exactly knowing why they were standing like that.

I mean, Liam always had his arms around me, but it's because he..I don't know..wanted to..kiss me?

I bet Niall and Harry kissed.

"Hey." They said in unison, and I sat at the table.

Slowly, all the boys came downstairs, even Liam.

I didn't make eye contact with him or Zayn, but just Louis. Thankfully, Louis sat close to me.

Liam got his own food, going back upstairs. I watched him walk, feeling..I didn't know the word..

Liam had taught me about jealousy, but I didn't know this feeling.

I knew happy, sad, angry, and jealous..

That was one of the things that people at The Institution didn't teach hybrids.


But this feeling was new. I'd ask Lou about it later..if I was still here..

I'm going to leave. I keep causing bad things to happen.






Liam's POV

I went downstairs, seeing Emily.

She looked more beautiful than ever.

I couldn't say anything though, because Zayn shot me a death glare. I just got my food, going back upstairs, and locking myself in my room.

I feel guilty.

I feel like I hurt Emily, even though I didn't inflict physical pain on her..did I?

I didn't touch her bruises..did I?

I don't know.

Maybe that's why she's not talking to me..because I hurt her. Or because I did something that she wasn't ready for..

Either way, she wasn't talking to me.

Zayn wasn't talking to her.

Louis was being protective of her.

Harry and Niall..didn' Well, they probably didn't even know.

I'm surprised Zayn didn't leave any marks..well, noticeable ones, anyways.

He punched me. Over and over. But..not on my face..? Probably because he didn't want innocent little Emily to see it.

I'll have to apologize, eventually.






Emily's POV

The entire day went on, a feeling of..weirdness..? Yea. Weirdness was everywhere.

Eventually, it reached night time. I was in my own room, laying down and looking at the ceiling.

I was going to leave.

I quickly got up, going over to my desk, pulling out a piece of paper. I wrote a note, placing it on my desk.

Then, I just left. I morphed into a cat, then I opened the window, jumping out.

Cats always land on their feet, remember?

I started walking down the road, noticing that no one was out.

Well, the last time I checked the clock, it was 2am, so..

And suddenly, pitch black darkness.

What was going on?






Niall's POV

I was so happy!

Harry had kissed me.

I mean, I never knew that he liked me before, but now I know he does. And I like him too. Yea. That's good, right?

(A/N read the rest of the chapter really fast. He's rambling. I'm typing this really fast lol.)

At first, he kissed me. I didn't know what to do, but then he pulled away, and I kissed him.


So now we're together.

It's not weird.

Even if we were adopted sons of wasn't weird. We weren't actually related or anything.

I should just stop rambling on about Harry..and his curly hair..his green eyes..stop it, Niall.

Well, today was really awkward..not between Harry and I, but between everyone else.

I'm tempted to ask someone what happened, but I don't really want to be pulled into any drama.

They'll be fine. As long as Emily doesn't leave, and no one gets in a fight..everything will be fine.

It will.






I think this chapter was really short..idk..

I feel bad cuz I won't be able to update until tomorrow..;-;

Unless I get some luck today.


So Emily left.



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