Growing Pains

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- This is the first chapter for a fanfiction on the TV show The Vampire Diaries (TVD). It's along one of my favorite seasons of the show, season 4. It is going to be a Klaus/OC story with small hints of Damon/OC, Elijah/OC, and Kol/OC. The main pairing that I am concerned about is Klaus/OC. 
- This chapter is based on the TVD season 4 episode Growing Pains. It is the first episode of the sesaon.

- I am using my OC Maria, who was originally created for a True Blood fanfic I want to write. In this, Maria is Katherine's sister and was turned around the same time Katherine was. By the time the story starts, Maria has had a past with The Originals and The Salvatores. 
- Usually I just post to the fanfiction site, but I decided to post this on here just to see what people think.
General POV

She walked down the street during the dark of the night. Her hands were in her pocket with her head over her head. She kept her head down avoiding looking at people. There were some noises and she looked up. She saw a couple laughing and talking to each other. It made her disgusted because of what happened to her. 'Love' She thought and rolled her eyes. It made her retreat to the darkness and spy on the couple. Her eyes followed them and every single one of their moments.

She stayed in the darkness and spied on the couple until she saw the opportunity. She sped out, snapped the neck of the woman and held the guy by the throat.
"Don't scream." She said, compelling the man. He looked in fear as her face changed. When her fangs bit into her neck, he started to struggle. She mentally smirked because she liked the struggle. All of the blood got slowly drained by her until she drank it all. She let the body fall to the ground before walking away like nothing happened.

She walked through Mystic Falls, remembering the first time she was in the town. 


She rode in on a carriage, looking out at the nature.
"We have arrived Miss Pierce" The driver said. She gave him a thoughtful nod before stepping outside.
"Maria." She heard a voice say. When she looked, she saw Katherine Pierce. "I thought you'd never make it."
"I'd never miss a chance to spend time with my sister." Maria and Katherine looked at each other with smiles.

-End Of Flashback-

Maria walked into the Mystic Grill during the day and ordered a few drinks. 'This town has changed a lot' she thought to herself.
"Do you know if the Salvatore brothers are living in town?" She asked the bartender.
"You mean Damon and Stefan?" He asked and Maria nodded. "They live over at the Salvatore boarding house." Maria gave a small smile before drinking the rest of her glass.
"Thanks." She said before leaving the grill.

Maria walked to the Salvatore boarding house to look for the brothers. She stood in the living room and was able to tell that neither one was there. 'So much for a visit' she thought before feeling stinging in her neck. Maria turned around and saw that a person was sticking her with some vervain. She tried to attack them, but was sprayed with vervain pepper spray. It made her step back and gave the person the opportunity to snap her neck. 

 Maria was restrained in the back of a truck. There was two other people in the back of it with her.
"Maria?" A familiar voice asked her. She started to recover from the vervain, but she was still weak. "Maria..." Maria was able to look and saw someone she knew. “How are you alive?”
"Rebecca?" She asked with some confusion. ""
"The injected us with vervain..." Rebecca said as she glanced over at Caroline. Maria looked at her, not knowing who the person was.
"Who is she?" Maria asked Rebecca.
"His pet..." Rebecca answered before the truck ran over a bump that made Caroline start to wake up.
"How old are you?" Maria asked Caroline. "As a vampire, how old?"
"9 months..." Caroline said as she looked at Maria with confusion. 'I see he still likes young blondes' Maria thought to herself before the truck flipped over a couple of times.
"What the bloody hell?" Rebecca and Maria asked at the same time. In no time at all, someone ripped away a part of the truck. Sunlight shined in and made the girls squint.
"Tyler?" Caroline asked when she realized who had done it. "How are you even alive?"
"I'm harder to kill than you think." Tyler said with a smile as he tried to free Caroline. Out the corner of his eye, he noticed someone that looked familiar. When he looked, he saw that it was Maria. He was going to open his mouth to say something, but he remembered their situation. "We gotta go." He said to Caroline, trying to focus his attention on her.
"What about us?" Rebecca asked Tyler after Caroline got out of the truck.
"Keep them busy little sister..." He said to Rebecca before looking at Maria "...beautiful." He smirked at Maria before speeding away.
"That's not possible...." Rebecca said and Maria became confused.
"What?" She asked Rebecca.
"Nik's in Tyler's body..." Rebecca said without looking at Maria.
Not much time after, Rebecca and Maria were in cages. There was vervain mist being sprayed into the room, keeping them weak.
"Stefan?" Maria asked when she noticed a person across from her.
"Maria?" Stefan asked and Maria nodded. "I thought we weren't going to see you again." Maria gave a small smile before they all heard coughing. When they looked, they saw Elena looking very weak.
"Stefan?" She asked in a weak voice.
"I'm right here Elena..." Stefan said and Maria looked between them.
"I assume Damon likes her to?" Maria asked Stefan. "History sure repeats itself on this town."
"Who are you?" Elena asked Maria.
"Maria Petrova..." Maria said "...better known as Maria Pierce, Katherine's sister."
"Katherine has a sister?" Elena asked with confusion.
"We don't talk much." Maria said as she tried to look between Elena and Stefan. They were on the same side but in different cages. Maria couldn’t help but look at them, remembering when she had what they had. 

He kissed down her neck as her hands roamed his back. Maria’s legs were hooked behind his back as he held her against the wall. 
“We shouldn't be doing it like this.” She whispered with her eyes closed. “Not here...” 
“It’s much more fun here love.” He whispered before kissing her deeply. “And you love it.” 
“I love you.” She whispered as they looked in each other’s eyes. “I love you Niklaus Mikealson.” 
“I love you Maria Petrova.” He whispered before holding her in his arms and speeding them up to his bedroom. 
-End Of Flashback-

Maria had closed her eyes, trying to think of a way to get out. Her thoughts kept getting interrupted by Elena and Stefan’s voices. 
“You guys are annoying.” Maria groaned. “You keep talking about each other and not anything about how the hell we’re getting out of here.” Maria turned her head and opened her eyes so she could look at them. “Some things are more important than your relationship.” She said to them. 
“Just because you got your heart broken...” Rebecca said and Maria rolled her eyes. 
“My heart was trashed.” Maria said. “Now it’s non-existent.” Maria looked around her cage, trying to see if there was anything that could help her escape. She slowly stood up and looked at the bars in front of her. There was a lock, but it was just out of her reach. 
“Don’t waste your energy.” Rebecca said, obviously able to tell what Maria was doing. 
“I’m not going to waste here while you guys sit and do nothing.” Maria said before stumbling across the cage she was in to a long sharp object. She was just about to reach it before falling down flat on her face. She groaned as Elena started to cough. Maria managed to roll her eyes as she slowly got into a sitting position. 
“We’ll have to work together.” Stefan said to Maria, who was in the back of her cage. 
“Finally talking about a way to get out...” Maria groaned as she slowly made her way to the bars. “What do we do?” She asked Stefan. 

Time slowly past as Maria talked with Stefan, Elena, and Rebecca on ways to get out. They all worked together when one of the guards came in. Stefan killed him by banging the back of his head against the bars in front of him. Elena used that blood to complete her transition and the four of them were able to get free. On the way out, Maria noticed Damon. She wanted to talk to him but left with Rebecca instead.  

Rebecca had shown Maria her room, which let Maria shower and change. Maria walked down the hall and could hear the conversation between Rebecca and Klaus. As much as she wanted to stop it, she knew better than to intervene in Mikealson family drama. 

Maria patiently waited, even though patience wasn't one of her strengths. After a few minutes, her patience was rewarded when Klaus walked into the room she was in.
"You are a giagantic arse." Maria said to him, which made him smirk.
"Nice to see you to." He said before speeding her against wall and kissing her. Maria let herself enjoy it before pushing him away. They looked at each other for a minute before Maria gave in, held him against the wall and roughly kissed him. “I’ve missed you.” Klaus whispered in her ear before speeding them to his room. He tossed her onto his bed and quickly took off her shirt as she took his off. Maria didn’t say if she missed Klaus because she believed that he had broken heart beyond repair. She let herself get consumed in what her body was feeling, not caring that he had caused her so much pain.


- I wrote most of this chapter on my phone because I was without a laptop....I just got a new one so I was able to edit the chapter and add stuff to it. 
- Just a heads up now....I have no idea when I'll be able to add more to this. I'm trying to work on fanfiction that I have on the fanfiction webside

- I'd like to hear what you think of the first chapter and what you think could happen in season 4 with Maria and Klaus. 

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