We were reckless.
How did we get from kissing to you pinning me to the wall to us both on the floor in a tangle of limbs?
We made an explosion that day, Park Jimin.
And now, we are suffering the consequences of it.
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Author's Note: I wrote this story in 48 hours. Life can be a b*itch, life can be unexpected. Personal reasons drove me to write this book and I know there may be quite a few plot holes. It's not the best book I've ever written on my profile, but it's pretty raw for me. The main character was never given an official name for more personal reasons, so you can decide who the main character can be, whether it be you or your dog. Anyways, I hope if you've managed to read all of it and are now reading this, I want to firstly say thanks for reading; and secondly, remember: don't get hit by every single thing life chucks at you. Dance around them, dodge it, show life that you can be a better b*itch than it can.
Explanation: Let me begin with the technical explanations. The main character had pancreatic cancer (if you didn't catch that for some reason or another). Because of it, she isn't very hungry most of the time, and a lot of food she eats just comes back up. Symptoms. The yellowing of skin and eyes is also part of the symptoms.
Now, for the explanation of the ending...
The main character found the hoodie the day Jimin lost it: August 2, 2017. But Jimin, say, lives in one pocket of time while she lives in another pocket of time; thus there was a short overlap between the time pockets. But the blue hoodie serves as a talisman to be able to travel between th time pockets. Jimin does indeed live one year ahead of her, and they didn't found out until it was too late. That's why Jimin didn't recognize her at the bus stop because technically, he'd never met her before. You might also wonder why they never exchanged phone numbers or something.
Simple answer: I thought the use of texting would undermine the whole plot and make the short periods of time Jimin and the main character had together less meaningful. They can only come in contact through the blue hoodie.
Anyways. Willing to answer any questions or anything.