{ t h r o u g h t h e l a t e n i g h t - 6 i x 9 i n e }

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{reader oversleeps at her best friends house, it's around 3 am. She walks home through the late hours of the night but meets someone along the way.}

-reader's pov-
"(Y/N)! Girl your ass fell asleep on the couch" I started to wake up slowly "hmmm what time is it?" Asking while rubbing my eyes. "It's almost 3 am, let me take you home" I shake my head no "you should be in bed, I'll make it home fine I'll even text you" I say then yawn while putting my shoes on.

I started to walk home it was kinda chilly out, dark, I was paranoid as hell but tried keeping my focus on making it home safe, these streets of Brooklyn are truly ruthless at times so you gotta keep your eyes peeled sometimes. I looked down at my feet while passing some strangers then I run into someone "oh shit sorry!" I exclaimed. "It's ight" I hear him laugh a lil. This dude looked like a whole bag of skittles, I've never seen a dude with rainbow hair and so many 69 tattoos looks like someone took a sharpie to that shit  (a/n: no shade I love 6ix9ine. It was jus funny so I added it in😂❗️) "why you out here so late? someone could really snatch you, or even kill you" I look at him "oh, I accidentally fell asleep at my friends place and now I'm on my way home" I say I looks at me ,then around quickly "let me take you home, seriously girl" should I really trust this dude? Oh well he's lowkey kinda cute so if I die, oh well. "Okay fine" I reply.

The ride home was actually fun, I got to know more about this guy and he got to know me. We exchanged numbers "now when I text you, you better answer me" he gives me a serious look "and what if I don't?" "Good question" I laugh at his weak response and get out of his car. I wave bye before going inside my apartment.

{this is short plus I can't sleep rn soooo😂 but yeah. Don't forget I luv you guys sm❤️}

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