Chapter 1

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"Bye Minhyuk"
I waved one last time at him as he walked away with his girlfriend s̸a̸t̸a̸n̸ Daniele. I hate her if it wasn't clear.

I came out a while ago and I didn't have much friends since them, Minhyuk was one of the only people who stayed close to me without judging me.

Then t̸r̸o̸l̸l̸ Danielle decided she wanted to move with him into the same apartment, so they did.

I hate her because when I walk through the school halls she's always like "look out there is that homo"
She's that girl you know the one who says you can trust her but in the meantime she spills all your secrets like a hot cup of tea.

So I was quite triggered that she convinced Minhyuk to move in with her. So now I have this apartment for myself, which isn't that bad but it still is lonely.

The only friend I have at the moment is Hyungwon, he is always quite nice to me but he's waaaaaaaaay to touchy. He's gay to so that's why, he hasn't come out though....

He's like every gays dream like let's be honest. He's handsome ,his hair is always perfect, he's tall, and he carries that "big dick" energy with him to a lot of places.

Then you have me ,I'm a small weirdo with chubby cheeks. O well....

I walked inside my apartment again, it is quite big to be honest.

I study at a really big university but it's really hard to get in because you need all your grades to be a B or higher at high school ,only then you get in. You can study xxxxx( I'm sorry I can't think of anything, just think of it as a really high-class study )
Also the apartments are part of the school, you can't decide who you're roommate will be. I was really lucky to have Minhyuk...until now though.

I walked to my window which had a amazing view at the city "lucky me"
I wanted to lean my head on the glass of the window but I stumbled over something which made me land face-first on the window.

Immediately I closed my eyes and rushed my hand to my forehead as I made a painful sigh.

"What the-" I opened my eyes again and looked at the object I fell over. It was some kind of magazine.
I stood up ,still holding my right hand on my forehead as the other picked up the paper.

How to please you're girlfriend!

The cover said with a picture of a man proposing to a woman on his knees. "Agh Minhyuk!" I released my forehead and I went over to the trashcan.

I opened the trashcan and started ripping the magazine apart. The pieces of paper fell perfectly into the trashcan as I released my inner-single-beast.

When I was done I aggressively shut the trashcan and walked over to the window this time focusing a bit more on the places I put my feet.
This time I didn't stumble...luckily, I looked outside the window, the clouds were getting darker and I heard a rumble in the distance. the rumbling of thunder.

Okay okay don't think I'm a pussy but I'm scared of thunder and lighting and I'm going to tell you why right now! One time when I was a kid, me and my parents where camping in the middle of the Forest. It was a camping in the middle of the forest it wasn't like we had no fresh water and hunted our food by the river.

Anyway there were quite a lot of people there.
Then when we arrived the boss of the camping told us that if there was going to be lighting and thunder we should go to a open field a few 100 meters from the camping because then we wouldn't risk getting a tree on our tents with us in it. We shouldn't worry because a loud alarm would go off if it happens he told us as well.

So that night without the weatherman saying anything, it started raining and it went over in thunder and lighting. And that alarm didn't go off.

Luckily I wasn't sleeping yet because I was watching a movie on my phone until I heard the sudden change of the weather. I then woke up my parents and me and my mother rushed over to the field leaving most of our stuff behind. My father went to check on the alarm and why it didn't go off.

Nothing happened to my father luckily but as twelve year-old me and my mother were running towards the field we suddenly heard a lighting strike from our left. We looked over not stopping to run and what we saw was horrible. We saw a tree falling towards one of the campers, then not even a second later it actually hit the giant thing.

I remember standing still in shock and my mother saying I should rush to the field and that she would go check if the people were gone. I remember rushing to the field and the small house that stood there, I went inside and I remember praying and crying that my mother and father wouldn't have to experience that.

In the end luckily the people were gone already but it still traumatized me. Then around 20 minutes later I heard the alarm go off.
people started coming in the house including my mom and dad.

Everybody was safe.

Even though nobody got hurt it still was horrible to go through and I hope nobody experiences the same.

I suddenly woke up from my thoughts by my ringtone, I walked over to my phone seeing my mom was calling me.

"Hi mom" I answered the phone trying to not let the shaking sound in my voice get through. "Hi darling, are you okay?"

My mom knows I'm terrified of thunder.

"I'm fine mom ,thank you for checking up on me" I said as I tried to sound relaxed. I didn't want to worry my mom because she was just as terrified of thunder as me, even though she has dad to take care of her.

"Well...okay sweetie ,just call me if you need anything" she said with a sweet tone. "Okay mom bye." "Bye Changkyun" were her last words before I hung up the phone.

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