Chapter 10

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Authors / third person POV

"Y-you see how what is?" The younger stuttered causing Jooheon to chuckle once again.

"Let me ask you something" he said as he put his coffee down and looked at Changkyun a bit intimidating, to intimidating for the younger's pleasure.

"Are you and Wonho fuck buddies?"

Changkyun choked on his own spit as he heard those words leave his friends mouth.
"Nononononono!" He said so loud that a few people in the cafe turned to look at him.

"Then are you dating him?" Jooheon asked bluntly after taking another sip of his drink.
He was enjoying the bitter coffee taste as much as seeing Changkyun this fragile, even though it was his friend.

"I uhm..." Changkyun took a deep breath having a hard time facing reality. "Yes I am" he finally said. He was still a bit confused by Wonho because it all happened so fast.
To fast maybe?

"Wonho went in last night then" Jooheon said as he smirked a bit at Changkyun.
"Can we stop talking about this?" Changkyun asked while putting his coffee down a bit hard causing the people to turn around again.

Changkyun noticed and made a quick bow as an apology to the people. A bit irritated he looked at his coffee while hiding his face with his hair.

"Sorry" Jooheon said causing the younger to look up, "Thank you"


During the day Jooheon didn't find out that Changkyun's hickeys were his, he didn't question anymore about it because it made Changkyun uncomfortable.
As soon as the clock hit four Jooheon went home and Changkyun went to the spot Wonho had dropped him off.

Changkyun's POV

I've been waiting for a few minutes now and Wonho can come any moment. I hope he brings a umbrella because it's raining, luckily I'm standing under a part of a roof so I won't get wet.

I keep looking in the direction Wonho should come ,but I just can't see him yet. I sigh and grab my phone from my pocket.
Where is he?

Then suddenly I feel my eyes being covered but it was to gentle to be a kidnap.
"Guess who?" A familiar voice said.
"Won-hoe" I replied as I took his hands from my face and turned around to see his face a few inches apart from mine.

A bit flustered because of the space between us I look to his chest because I have no where else to look.
"I brought an umbrella!" Wonho said as a happy child ,while I looked back at him.
He had a green umbrella...wait.
"That's mine!" I yell at him as I try to snatch the umbrella from him, but he's just a little to tall.

While I keep jumping into the air I didn't notice how close our faces were until I felt our noses touch slightly. Immediately I backed away.
"Should I hold it?" Wonho asked smirking a bit.
"Yeah sure"

He smiled a bit before he took my hand and pulled me under the umbrella. Then when I was under the umbrella he released it.

We walked down the street, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Then a sudden feeling of guilt overflowed me.

Wouldn't he fit better with Hyungwon? They are both the biggest gay-dream-man?

Quickly I shook the thought off as I looked to the ground. "He's mine" I thought.

Carefully I brought my hand up to his hand he was holding the umbrella with, then I carefully put my hand on top of his. I felt him look at me and I could sense a smirk plastered on his face.


Not long after Wonho came to pick Changkyun up they arrived at their apartment.

Changkyun's POV

"Damn I'm so tired" I said as I let myself fall onto the couch, then suddenly I heard my stomach rumble.

I looked up at Wonho who clearly heard my stomach because he was giggling.
He then turned to me with a bright smile on his face. "Should I cook today?" He asked.

"You cook?!" I yelled at him as my eyes widened, I know I'm overreacting a bit but I can't cook myself. He laughed at my response before he opened one of the bottom cabinets.
"Is soup okay?"

I nodded and looked at the couch i was on, mostly because I was bored and didn't have anything else to look at.

After some time Wonho was done with preparing the soup, it looked delicious.
"Here let me" He said as he grabbed my bowl and started pouring the soup in.
"Thanks" I replied as I took the bowl from him and put it on the table. But when I wanted to head back i suddenly heard a small scream with some hissing after.

I turned around to see that Wonho accidentally burned his arm on one of the soup bowls.
Quickly I sprinted over to him and grabbed his arm where it wasn't burned.
"You idiot!" I said as I saw the spot he was burned, it wasn't big but I know it hurts like hell.

Quickly I turned on the sink and dragged his arm under the cold water. I looked at him seeing tears in his eyes but I saw he was trying to fight them back in.

He noticed me staring, "it's just the shock, it doesn't hurt that bad" he said as he looked at his arm. I sighed a bit relieved and my body relaxed at the statement.

"Thank god" I mumbled as I made sure Wonho's arm was still under the water. Then suddenly I felt something soft being pressed against my cheek, immediately I recognized his lips.

After a few seconds he pulled away and he carefully grabbed my jaw with his other hand.
Then before I could say anything he pressed his lips against mine, making me melt into the moment.


I'm sorry this was shorter than usual.
And I also am getting more and more homework because school sucks.
I'll try to update at least 1-2 a week!!

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