Chapter 2

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I tried my best to ignore the sound of thunder that was coming closer as I put the hot water onto my noodles.

While I was waiting for the hot water to soak into the noodles I went to the dining table and opened my laptop, I usually watch YouTube videos or make my homework on here but now that summer vacation hit i didn't have to use it for work.

When vacations hit I don't check my mail anymore because it always contains school stuff, but to make sure everything was okay I decided to check it.

"One new mail"

I opened the mail with a frown on my forehead, why was there a mail when it was summer?

I saw that the mail was from one of the head teachers of my school, I quickly read the mail.

Blablabla....summer.....blablabla......student......blablabla....MOVING IN?!

"Because you're roommate is moving to another apartment we decided that the new student could move in with you.
If you have any problems with this please contact us at least five days before the student moves in"

I looked at the date the student would move in


I looked at the right corner of my laptop looking at the date.


"Haha..ahaha...I'm so stupid" I thought as I scrolled through the mail a bit more. I saw that there was no specific time given for when the person would arrive. It's not like I was worried, I mean the apartment isn't a mess.

"Only Minhyuk's room would become his then.." just to make sure I got of my chair and went over to Minhyuk's room.

"Thank god it's clean" I sighed as I left the room again. I know I'm reacting really calm on a new student coming into the apartment but as long as he minds his own business there is nothing to be worried about.

I looked at my noodles who were done, I grabbed a colander and carefully poured the noodles in it. I shook the colander a bit making sure all the water would be gone. After that I poured the noodles into a small bowl and I took it with me to the table.

*I peacefully ate my noodles and did the dishes right after as it started raining, I wondered how late the student would come.

Then I heard the first loud sound of lighting and I couldn't help but jump a little. I looked outside as I was cleaning a mug and I saw that the rain had gotten worse. Then I heard some knocking on my door, it must be the student.

I put down the mug and went to the front door, I then opened the door.

There was a boy who was taller than me and you could also see he was more muscular than most boys our age. His hair was dyed blonde with a blue ombre at the tips, but he was also carrying a lot of stuff and he was soaking wet.

Immediately I grabbed one of his larger bags and brought it inside, he followed and he closed the door behind him.

I now looked at his face for the first time.
He had medium to plumped lips and dark brown eyes that could easily intimidate people. He had a slim nose and a beautiful jawline.
I could also see that water was dripping down his face and that he needed to warm up as quick as possible.

"Hi I'm Changkyun you're new roommate" I said as I offered my hand waiting to be accepted. "Hi I'm Wonho" he said as he took my hand and showed me a smile.

( I know his name is Hoseok but personally prefer using Wonho, don't think I'm uneducated you slugs)

"I promise I want to get to know you but you first need to warm up." I said as I rushed to the bathroom. I grabbed a white towel and I rushed back to him, "the bathroom is over there"
I said as I pointed at the direction I just came from while handing him the towel.

"Ahh thanks" he said before he grabbed a new pair of clothing from one of his bags. He then went to the bathroom and a few minutes later I heard the shower running.

I went over to the small kitchen and I started preparing a hot chocolate, "I hope he even likes that...." I thought as I started to make it.

*i finished the hot chocolate and not even a minute after I heard the bathroom door open

I looked over at the bathroom door seeing Wonho with a big oversized sweater and sweatpants, he was still drying his hair with a towel as he came closer to me.

"Here" I said as I gave him the hot chocolate, he looked at me and I saw his lips form into a smile. "Thanks Changkyun" He said as he carefully grabbed the drink.

We sat down on the couch as he peacefully drank his drink. "So tell me a bit about yourself" he said as he put the drink down on the small table in front of us.

I don't know what I should tell him honestly, nobody really shows interest in me because they don't want to get close to me. "I uhhh" I looked away from his face while trying to think of something. I wasn't planning on telling him I was gay in the hope he would befriend me.

I looked back at him and opened my mouth , "I really like art and just anything creative honestly." I said as I chuckled on the last words that left my mouth. "You?" I said as I looked at him.

"So I like singing personally and I really enjoy just going to places and seeing new things, I know I sound kind of boring haha.." he scratched the back of his neck as he avoided my eye contact. He looked like a model to be honest, he really was attractive.

"Snap out of it!" I thought as I mentally face palmed myself. "You don't sound boring to me" I said as I frowned a bit, singing isn't boring right?

He looked at me and showed me a smile but after that he immediately avoided eye contact again. "Are you not feeling well?" I asked as I tried to meet his eyes. He looked at me and I saw his face was a bit red, I brought my hand to his forehead to feel his temperature.

He backed away instantly as I raised my hand towards his face, "ahh" I let down my hand again, "I'm sorry" I said as I now also avoided his eyes.

Well fuck I made things awkward in the first hour, I'm great at socializing!

"Owh one more thing...." Wonho now looked at me as I met his eyes. "First promise me you won't look weird at me okay?" He said as he looked a bit concerned. What could possible be so bad that I would think he was weird instantly. As long as he doesn't have a weird fetish I'm okay.

He breathed deeply as he looked me in the eyes "I-I'm gay"

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