Chapter 3

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      The sun was shining gently down on the island, the village folk carrying on with their morning just as any other September 3rd of 1940. The peculiar children were walking nonchalantly down the trail toward the village where they were about to raise hell. But of course, no one expected what was about to happen.

      "On the count of three," said the invisible boy, and the children tensed up. Everyone stood in a ready stance, receiving weird glances from people passing. Fiona stood with weeds and poison ivy seeds ready in her hands, Hugh's bees were swarming in his mouth, ready to be released, and Bronwyn held a rope attached to Olive, who was about to unbuckle her shoes. Horace stood next to Enoch and his clay soldiers.

"One.......two..........THREE!" All of the children ran off in different directions in pairs; Victor with Millard, Bronwyn and Olive, Hugh with Fiona, and Horace with Enoch. Millard and Victor ran off to the bar, snickering as they discussed their tactics. Millard quietly opened the door, all of the drunks didn't seem to notice, and slipped inside. He crept over to the bartender and slammed his fist on the table.

"Gimme summa your finest wine," he said in his best impression of a drunk. The bartender looked up from his glass with wide eyes, but shook his head and went back to his book when he saw nobody there. Millard tried to contain his laughter and went around behind him, putting his face right by his ear.

"HEY!" The bartender jumped out from his seat and swatted the air with his book, barely hitting the invisible boy by an inch. Victor then busted through the door.

"I think you need to invest in some remodeling," he said before ripping the it off its hinges. "This door is bland!" He threw the door to the side of the room, making all of the customers scream scatter. The bartender fainted, but that only made them more excited.

"Hey Victor, what about these here old tables?" Millard said with a smirk.

"Good point," he replied and picked one up that was previously nailed to the ground. More of the citizens in the bar screamed and ran out as he balanced the table in one palm while Millard was throwing plates and cups about. The bar was now destroyed. Soon, all of the customers were nowhere to be seen.

"Nice," Victor snickered and held up his hand and Millard gave him a high-five. Then, the two boys set off to torment another group of people.

Hugh and Fiona were sneaking through houses together, taking anything of interest. Fiona was still not fully convinced that it wasn't harmful so Hugh did most of it himself.

"You want an apple?" He asked while raiding someone's fridge. She giggled at her silly boyfriend and shook her head while looking through a bookshelf. Everyone had read basically every book in the library, and they were running out of new reading material. She picked up a handmade basket off of a table and filled it with books, thinking of how Horace and Millard's faces would light up when they saw it.

"Do Olive and Claire need new toys?" Hugh asked with a half eaten apple in his hand. A read headed doll lay on the couch with a bright pink dress on. Fiona smiled and put it in her basket. This wasn't as bad as she thought. Everything would be back the next day, so why was it so bad if the people wouldn't notice a thing? It was like shopping, only its wasn't, and they were stealing.

"What in the Lord's name!?" The couple turned just in time to see an enraged man with a red face and wide eyes staring at them. Fiona acted quickly and threw her seeds at his feet and they grew instantly, trapping his legs until he wriggled them around so much that he made himself fall. They couldn't contain their laughter as they ran out of the cottage and down the street, past Bronwyn and Olive. The little blonde was floating in the air for every one to see, while Bronwyn had a massive boulder tucked under one of her arms. They smiled at Hugh and Fi, and ran down the street yelling, "its free balloon day!" Olive couldn't contain her laughter. They ran past the wide-eyed citizens. Bronwyn pulled her down and approached a window of a random cottage, peeking through to see the same guy who was trapped in weeds and poison ivy. He was ripping the plants off of him when Olive climbed through the window behind him and floated to the ceiling. She moved across like a spider until she was directly above him and dropped a handful of rice on him.

"BOO!" She yelled. The man yelled and yanked his foot from the weeds just before Bronwyn pulled her down from the roof. She ran around to the front of the house and set the boulder in front of the door. They both ran off snorting and doubling over.

Just one alley over, Horace and Enoch were laughing hysterically as they were forming the strangest looking clay figure they had ever seen. It had four legs and a giraffe neck, three eyes, and a horn in the top of its head. Enoch took two hearts out of his pocket and began bringing it to life. Horace whispered something into its ear, and it immediately ran into the super market. They waited for a moment before a channel of screams rang throughout the store. The two boys laughed until their eyes were filled with tears and they turned around to see their horrific creation chasing an old lady down the street. Horace felt a bit of remorse but it quickly faded. A middle aged woman with short blonde hair and a blue dress walked anxiously down the street, and a vision flooded Horace's mind. He had dreamt about this lady before.....

He looked around for Hugh and spotted him down the street before waving him over.

"I'll give you a cue to release the bees, okay?" He said. Hugh looked at him curiously but said nothing and laughed. Horace brushed his suit off and walked confidently up to the woman who kept looking over her shoulder as if any second the maniac children were going to chase her down. Enoch watched from the alley as he stopped in front of her, holding out his hand. What the hell was he up to?

"Emilia Ramsey, what a pleasure it is to meet you. How is James doing?" Emilia stopped in her path and stared at the young, pubescent boy.

"How I know you?" She stuttered. Horace bowed.

"Of course not, I am from the future," he said trying to conceal his laughter. She stared at him with a confused look on her face. "Your name is Emilia Ramsey, daughter of Fin and Lily Lewis. Your father worked as a bartender and you aspired to be an actress while you were just a tiny tot. Your school crush ended up marrying your best friend and tore your friendship apart, but now you are married to James Ramsey, with a lovely daughter who has been begging to go back to the mainland. You and James want to, but simply can't afford a ticket yet. You were just on your way to buy some tea when an invisible boy seemed to run you away," he rambled on and finally paused to breath. "I am here to warn you to avoid wearing the color green...." he explained with a sullen look on his face. The lady couldn't think straight, she just stared at him until a frightened look appeared on her face and she ran away screaming. Horace winked at Hugh and he sent a swarm of bees in her direction. As soon as she saw them, she fainted and the people who weren't already screaming by her, were now running away. Enoch came up to Horace with a devilish grin.

"That was evil of you, Horace," he said.

"She's a terrible person who just so happens to have the slightest fear of bees," Horace explained with a proud look on his face. He had dreamt of her abusing her daughter, and it made his stomach knot. It almost reminded him of his parents reaction to his peculiarity, but he quickly waved it away. He couldn't think about that. Hugh chuckled and patted him on the back.

"That was entertaining." Not two seconds later, Fiona, Millard, Victor, Bronwyn, and Olive ran up to them while the rest of the village was in a state of utter chaos. They all exchanged high-fives, and even Enoch was grinning. To anyone else, it might've seemed like a terrible thing to do, but knowing that these people would be cheerful and happy the next day made the peculiars feel no regret. There's nothing like tormenting an entire village, right?

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