Chapter 7

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He finally did it. Enoch finally kissed him, and it was a million times better than his dream. His chest was practically bursting with joy. Enoch's cheeks were flushed with a burning red and it suited him well, like they were brushed by a frigid Winter wind.

"Um, does this mean...." Horace trailed off while blushing even further and looking down at his hands. Enoch gave a slight awkward chuckle and shrugged.

"I hope so," he mumbled. Horace felt a sudden surge of happiness and he couldn't help but embrace Enoch in a tight hug. The younger boy was taken back for a moment but slowly returned the hug. And to think that he could have told him sooner. Horace finally let go and looked up at him with bright eyes.

      "So do you want to... go for a walk or something?" He asked him. Enoch hadn't paid attention to it, but Horace was now holding his hand gently in his own, a little hesitant on what to do. When he realized, he looked down to their hands and failed to hold back a smile, but it felt great nonetheless. Enoch hadn't felt true joy like this in ages.

      "Sure," he replied with his voice more confident than not, and Horace, still holding onto his hand, stood up and led him to the stairs. When they reached the top, though, he let go. They probably shouldn't let the others know, right? Maybe later, but definitely not yet. Right now was a time for just them to figure things out and enjoy their time together, not to have everyone prodding them with questions. Enoch missed the warmth of the other's hand but understood and followed him out of the room.

      Thankfully, none of the children were near when they left the house and they walked side-by-side down the hill, simply enjoying each other's presence with red cheeks and minds still replaying their kiss. It was better than either of them had imagined, sweeter than how the books in their library had pictured, and more loving than Emma had explained to any of them.

      Horace was pushing back the urge to stop then and there and kiss him again, for they were still so close to the house that anyone could see. And they didn't dare hold hands yet. Just being by one another was enough.

      "So...." Enoch started in an attempt to break the silence. It wasn't awkward, it was peaceful, but he just had to talk to him.

      "So...." Horace imitated with a small laugh that Enoch absolutely loved.

      "Do you.... do you like me?" Enoch spat out. It was a weird question, but how else was he supposed to ask?

      "No, I just kissed back for no reason at all," Horace mocked and playfully bumped into his partner, and Enoch just smirked and shook his head. "But yes. I do," he cleared as they neared the bog. Enoch nodded. The trail through the grass was worn down, the green turned to a light brown with leaves scattered here and there. Autumn just happened to be Horace's favorite season. "I actually had a dream about it last night," he confessed when they reached the marsh. Horace groaned as they stepped from rock to rock across the bog, praying his shoes would come out just fine. Enoch chuckled at him as he looked back at him.

      "What a shame it would be if you slipped and fell," Enoch taunted with a devilish grin. Horace looked up with slight fear in his eyes, but they finally reached the land before Enoch could do anything.

"You're an ass," Horace whined. "And this suit is not particularly cheap." The two boys continued walking down the trail toward the beach. They were walking next to each other, and briefly had their hands brushed. Horace blushed but mustered up enough courage to grab Enoch's hand. The latter smiled and stared at the ground, and began swinging their arms back and forth playfully. Horace's hands were small yet warm and comforting against Enoch's frigid skin; they fit perfectly together. Horace cleared his throat.

      "It is almost your birthday," he pointed out and looked up to a grimacing Enoch.

      "I still don't get why we celebrate birthdays. I mean, it's the same day everyday," he complained in a low voice. Horace's eyebrows furrowed as the stepped onto the dry sand. Enoch was never one for big celebrations or gifts, thanks to his busy and neglectful parents. He didn't see the point, but nevertheless still gave the other children gifts and attempted to act a little less agitated during their birthdays. Even if they we're stuck in September the third, Miss Peregrine insisted on marking the days off on her calendars that they sold down in the  market.

      Horace didn't know exactly how to reply and stayed quiet, watching the sand crunch and fall beneath their shoes. Then, a sudden ide popped into his head; he was going to give Enoch the best birthday yet. He didn't know how, but he was going to.

      "We shouldn't tell anyone yet, should we?" Horace spoke up after a minute of silence. Enoch looked at him with admiration. His hair was slicked back and he didn't seem to care for the few blonde streams that were peeking  out from beneath his top hat and being tossed around by the wind, and his livid grey eyes were filled with so much wonder and curiosity. His pale cheeks were flushed with a light pink not only because of the situation, but by the cold wind that pushed the brilliant blue waves against the rocks. Freckles splattered his Roman nose (which Enoch thought was adorable) and under his eyes. Horace looked up to him before he realized he was staring and quickly fixed his gaze on the sea.

"Probably not," he said in a voice just barely above a whisper. Horace tightened his grip around Enoch's hand and nodded. It gave him a rush of excitement, keeping a secret from the other children. The two boys stopped walking and stood just before the shoreline, still holding hands and sneaking looks at one another.
It was a completely cliche yet heartwarming scene, and their chests were aching despite the smiles on their faces.

      Horace felt the sudden urge to kiss Enoch again, and that's just what he did. Enoch gasped against his lips but replied quickly enough with just as much passion. He slipped his hands out of Horace's and brought them up to his pale face. Having never done anything of the sort before, their kiss was awkward, their noses were constantly bumping into each other, and Horace had no idea what do with his hands. Yet, it was still incredible.

      "Wow," Enoch muttered when they finally pulled away. Horace giggled cutely and took off his hat then ran a slender hand through his hair.

      "We should get back," he said with the biggest grin plastered on his face. Enoch nodded, took one more look at the crashing waters, and held out his hand for him to take.

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