Chapter 9

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      Miss Peregrine: Enoch, you are such a wonderful addition to our family. Not only are you immensely talented with your peculiarity, you have a charming personality. You might not immediately show it, but when no one is watching, you do care for each and every peculiar. You help everyone more often than not, and can never fail to make us laugh when you want to. In all of the years you have been my ward, I will say that I am terribly proud of the handsome kind man that you are and have become. Happy Birthday, Enoch.

Olive: happy birthday!!! thank you for playing dolls with me and claire even when you dont want to. you have taught me a lot of things, like how to play chess (even though I'm still terrible at it) and how to make my own dolls! you are a great big brother and we love you!!!

Claire: enoch: you are amazing! You have the best jokes and always make us laugh. you always give the best birthday presents, and i love it when you make us cool things. you are awesome and i hope you have a great birthday!!!!

Bronwyn: You may not think so but you are a great brother. You are really talented and make some amazing homunculi. Claire and Olive really look up to you even if you can be a bit rash some times. But we all have our reasons. All of us enjoy spending time with you and your actually pretty funny. Thank you for being our friend and happy birthday!

Emma: Even if you are a complete asshole who puts sheep hearts in peoples pillowcases, you're still my brother. Everyone is going to say this, because its true, but you really are talented. How many people can bring life to the dead? Exactly. You're pretty smart as well and you know your stuff. I really hope you like your gift, Victor said you were looking at it a while ago seemed interested. You should hang out with us more often than staying in your room, you can be funny when you want to. I'm proud to say that you are not only my brother but a friend. We love you, asshole.

Millard: Happy Birthday, bud, I really hope you like your book. I didn't know if you would like it so I tried to get something else, but Victor insisted. You're smart, Enoch, I'm impressed. Even I, the great noble Millard, know nothing compared to you about war. I just want to say (before it gets all mushy and gross) that I admire you, I know you came from a rugged background and I can forgive you for being an asshat once and a while, but you're a good person and I know you mean the best. Horace is forcing us all to write in this for some reason....I guess he really cares about you, Enoch. Happy Birthday!

      Fiona: Happy Birthday! Hugh an I were looking through the different types of flowers and we thought you would love them. They're gorgeous, don't you think? From Mexico. Harrison and El will keep good care of it, but they need regular watering. Anyways, back to you. I don't think you realize how great you are. You're quite easy to talk to once you open up, and I love walking through the forest with you. Just know you can always come talk to me, or anyone for that matter because we all love our little brother. You're hilarious, too, and thank you for helping me in the garden when I know you hate it. You're a wonderful friend and have a happy birthday!

      Hugh: Happy Birthday, grandpa. Take care of my friends, will you? Fiona spent a lot of time trying to find the perfect flower for you, she really likes you. Obviously not in any other way or I would probably murder you, but protective of you. I guess she understands you. I don't at all, but is that a bad thing? I guess our house wouldn't be a home without our idiotic Enoch, would it? There isn't much I can say without repeating what everyone else has said. You're smart, caring (when you want to be), funny, and talented. Miss Peregrine even thinks your handsome, but I wouldn't bet on it...... just pulling your leg, Enoch, but of course no one could beat my good looks. Have a splendid birthday!

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