Chapter 8

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AN: Sorry I'm updating slower! Thank you to everyone who is miraculously still reading this 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope you guys still enjoy it and please vote or comment so I know that I'm not writing this for nothing. Thanks again!

      Enoch, of course, wasn't expecting anything different for his birthday. He would most likely get the cheers from the other children because even if he could be ill-tempered, he was still apart of their family, and each of the children had their own things they admired about him. Especially Horace.

In the last couple of weeks that they had been together, he had been determined to give Enoch a great birthday. Enoch didn't know so, but he deserved it. That's why Horace had brought it to everyone's attention. Emma seemed a bit hesitant (due to a harsh prank someone had pulled on her involving a sheep heart) but was persuaded by two eager young girls to help him.

The day started out like any other day, even quieter than Enoch had hoped for, which was quite peaceful and allowed him to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. He would have slept the whole day away, had it not been for Miss Peregrine knocking on the basement door and announcing that breakfast was soon to be ready. He groaned, pulled the sheets off of himself, and despite wanting nothing more but to flop back down on his matress, stood up and lazily made his bed. He pulled on his cleanest pair of overalls and began to fix his hair. All Enoch did was simply run his hands through his hair and pull a cap on his head. For a moment he had even forgotten what day it was, but he shrugged it off and walked into the dining room where Miss Peregrine and the older wards were already sitting. He took his usual seat by Millard and Horace, who seemed to be running late. Not a second later, Bronwyn came in with Olive and Claire trailing behind her.

" 'Morning!" Claire exclaimed with an exceptionally bright smile. As Olive passed him to reach her seat, she let out a tiny giggle. Horace was still missing.

"I decided to let Horace get a few more minutes of sleep," Miss Peregrines announced once the girls were in their seats. "He didn't get much last night." The children all nodded. Horace had a bad night? How come he didn't come and wake Enoch up? Alma must have seen the worried look on his face, and wore a soft smile. "Don't worry, children, he simply fell asleep later than usual. Now, how about some breakfast? I'm starving," she explained. Enoch seemed to lighten up a bit and looked around the table. Pancakes, bacon, ham, grilled tomatoes, and fried eggs were scattered around the table; unsurprisingly some of Enoch's favorite foods. Everyone began to dig in, and indulge in a usual morning conversation.

Horace, on the other hand, had sneaked into the basement and began to set up. It was going to be perfect, and Enoch would love it. Or else he was going to scream.

      Would he, though? Would Enoch actually appreciate what Horace was doing? Would he simply get all flustered and mutter a thanks, or stop and kiss him right in front of the other children? Horace smiled, even blushed, at the though and continued to arrange the contents on Enoch's desk. Finally, he was done, and slipped out of the basement and into the hallway without anyone knowing. Well, Enoch, at least.

In the dining hall, a heated feud about Sherlock Holmes had somehow surfaced, involving a shouting Millard and Bronwyn, a very confused Olive and Claire, and an agitated Enoch.

"Please excuse me," he grumbled at the children, but before he could leave, Horace came in and sat down next to Enoch with a cheery smile, who relaxed and stayed put.

"Good morning, everyone," Horace greeted. The children around the table returned the smile and when Enoch caught Horace's eye, he averted his eyes and blushed, remembering the previous day. Horace smirked at him and began to fix his plate.

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