Chapter 5: I Don't Shut Up, I Grow Up.

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As the group of teens passed on through the out-of-bounds junkyard, you realized that it was time for a break. You called out to your boys and lead them over to an overhang that was luckily already created.

"Hey guys, lets rest here for a bit!" You called out.

They all nodded an out of breath agreement and you guys set up a resting place. You brought the little radio from the treehouse, and places it next to you. You clicked through the channels and finally landed on one that you liked. "Whispering Bells" by The Dell Vikings was playing.

"Hey! I love this song!"

The boys payed no mind to your excitement, as they had found a can and decided to throw the pebbles that littered the ground at it. You chuckled to yourself. These are the people you want to spend the rest of your life with. Just as the song started getting good, Teddy started talking.

"Hey, you guys been watchin' the Mickey Mouse Club recently?"

A smug look passed through every bodies faces, including yours.

"Yeah." The reply was simultaneous.

However, you were all curious to see where he would go next.

Teddy continued in with what he was saying, starting with a little chuckle to his words, "I think Annette's tits are getting bigger..."

"Think so?" Chris retorted.

"Yeah I think so!" Teddy half heartedly shot back.

Gordie now chimed in next, "Yeah. He's right. I've been noticing the 'A' and the 'E' are starting to bend around the sides"

He held his hands up and gestures to his chest for emphasis. Everyone shared a chuckle at his demonstration. Even you.

Teddy decided to poke some fun.

"Of course (Y/N) would know about tits. Huh, (Y/N/N)?"

He shot a cheeky wink at you and you pushed him playfully back.

"Annette's tits are great..."

Everyone's eyes shot towards Vern. You started cackling with laugher at his dazed state, while all of the others agreed with him. Vern suddenly looked towards you, feeling as though he offended you, and tried to fix the situation.

"Not to say your tits aren't great, (Y/N), I just- uh- I..." He stuttered out a response.

You patted him on the shoulder and laughed. "That's okay, kiddo. I know what you meant"

Everyone smiled and sat in the comfortable silence for a little while. After the initial awkwardness, the relaxation had set in. You leaned against Teddy and put your head on his shoulder. He smiled down at you and allowed you to stay there, even takin a risk by putting his arm tenderly around your waist.

You let out a content sigh and started talking, "This is really a good time"

The other boys nodded, replying with their own words of agreement while continuing to throw rocks, and eventually spit water, at the awaiting can In front of you.

Now, you didn't just mean being off-limits inside the junkyard, or fudging on your folks, or going on a hike up the railroad tracks to Harlow. You meant those things, of course, but it really was much more. In that moment, everything was there and around us and we knew exactly who we were, and where we would go. It was incredibly. Just being there in your own little world, Teddy's arm around you, your best friends in the world by your side. Teddy whispered a plan in your ear and you nodded. You got up and passed him his canteen. Then, you sat a little ways away, out of the splash zone.... if you know what I mean.

He took a big gulp of water, reared back as if to spit at the can, and turned his head towards the completely unsuspecting Vern. Teddy let loose all of the water that filled his cheeks, and spat at the side of Vern's head. Now, you all found this hilarious, laughing up a storm at the poor unprepared teen.

Vern, however wasn't going to let this go, "Great!" He yelled, "spit at the fat kid!"

You laughed and he continued. "What time is it Gordie?"

"Uhmmm..." your brother pulled the watch out of his pocket and checked the clock. "It's a quarter after one."

Vern nodded and reminded everyone about the food.

"Yeah, the junkyard opens at three," you cautioned. "Chopper will be here" you shot a wink at Vern who rebutted with a sour expression.

"Ooooh, sic balls" Chris spoke up for the first time in a little while.

You laughed and turned to Vern, "you go! Pick us up on the way back!"

The poor fool looked terrified. "I'm not goin' alone! We should all go"

You shook your head, leaning now against Chris. "I'm staying right here."

Chris naturally brought his arm down to your waist to cuddle in more. He put on a cool exterior, stating how he wasn't going anywhere. Inside, however, he was freaking the fuck out. I mean, a pretty girl is cuddling up beside him and allowing him to touch her. This was certainly a day to remember.

The boys all started fighting and yelling about how they were all staying there, until Chris spoke up again.

He started, with a little crack in his voice, "Girls, girls, girls, cool it! We'll flip for it."

You nodded along to the plan and pulled 4 quarters out of your pocket. "Good idea. Odd man goes?"

"Yeah, that's you, (Y/N). Odd as a cod." Teddy threw, with little pause.

You tossed him a half assed glare. "Flip or eat lead, dipshit" you mumbled, under your breath. You handed each person one of the silver coins.

Each took it and flipped, turning it over on the back of their hands. Once they were revealed as all tails, Vern rambled about how that's bad luck and how people died right after flipping a 'Goocher.' Of course none of you payed any mind to that and reflipped your coins. In the end, Gordie and you were the odd men out. You both begrudgingly stood up, as 'Let The Good Times Roll' by Shirley and Lee came on.

Teddy got a kick out of this, screech laughing and shouting "you loose!'s" to the both of you.

"Hehehe! Oh, (Y/N) just screwed the pooch!" He yelled.

You smiled sarcastically and Gordie replied, "Does the word 'Retarded' mean anything to you?"

Teddy just blew it off, shooting a remark of his own back, placing his hands on his knees.

"Just go and get the provisions you morphadites."

You chuckled at the insult and started walking, shouting your reply. "I don't want to be called any of your mother's petnames, dickhead."

Teddy just chuckled, calling you a wet end and turning to throw water at your friends. You and Gordie just decided to leave them and start off to get the provisions.

Hey guys!! I'm sorry for not updating for so freakin long. I'm going to try to post at least three chapters today. I promise I'll get back on schedule, and try to post every week. Btw, I had no clue how much people actually liked this book??? That's amazing, guys, thank you!! (This chapter was 1148 words, not including this)

As for the ending, I'm going to keep it a surprise for now, and keep going with either of the bachelors. I promise you'll be happy, though.

All right, tah tah!!

Thank y'all


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