Chapter 10: Sleepy Boys

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You barely realized how heavy your eyelids were getting as you drooped against Chris and your hand stilled in Teddy's hair. Neither boy minded, though, Chris pulling you closer to his side and Teddy moving slightly, so as not to disturb you. 


You woke to the sound of cheers all around you. You shot up, startled by the loud noise, and realized you had fallen asleep during the story.

"Sorry, (Y/N)! We didn't mean to wake you," Vern apologized. 

"Don't worry about it," you said with a sleepy smile. 

You turned your head to Gordie, leaning back into Chris, "then what happened, Gordo?"

He seemed confused, "What do you mean 'then what happened'? That's the end." 

Teddy piped up from his place in your lap, "How can that be the end? What kind of ending is that?"

You smacked his head lightly at his rude wording but decided to agree. You were curious how far you could push your brother.

"Yeah...what happened to Lardass?" You questioned.

"Oh shut up, (Y/N)," Gordie shot back, "you were asleep for most of the story."

You gave him a tired smile and laughed gently, turning your head to rest in the crook of Chris's neck again. 

Teddy recommended an oddly dark ending to Gordie's story that made you laugh slightly, locking eyes with him, seeing that he was already looking at you. You blushed and he handed you your glasses back. You whispered a small thank you and leaned back into Chris, Teddy's eyes leaving you as he sits up and moves a bit away from you.

"I liked the ending," Vern said, breaking the tension, "but there is one thing I didn't understand."

Gordie nods at him, urging him to continue.

"Did Lardass have to pay to get into the contest?"

Everyone rolled their eyes at the pointless question.

"No, Vern, they just let him in," Gordie answers. 

Vern suddenly seems to understand, deeming it a great story. Everyone agrees, including Teddy. Chris requests the radio from Vern, Come Softly to Me, by the Del-Vikings starting to play.

Chris laid down, pulling you with him. You gently cuddled into his chest, content to listen to your boys talk for now.

They talked long into the night about seemingly endless topics. It was the kind of talk that seemed important until you discover girls. By the end of the conversation you had concluded that Vern had an affinity for cherry Pez, nobody knew what the fuck Goofy was, and all of your friends were absolute airheads that you loved dearly. 

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I know it was a short one but school and mental health issues are royally kicking my ass...

Thank you all for keeping up with this story, it has truly become a child to me. I recently rewatched Stand By Me with my girlfriend and every part of why I love the movie came flooding back to me. I hope to update possibly later today and this weekend! I'll try to make the next chapter full of sweet Chrissy fluff...

A reminder that I'm still doing the diverging Teddy and Chris paths! I haven't forgotten about this! I'm going to finish the story for Chris and then go back and write Teddy chapters so all you Duchamp whores can have your moments too <3

Love you all and hope you're staying safe out there

-Sage <3

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