Chapter 4: The Junkyard

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Hiya my dears! I'm so happy about how many reads this book is getting!!! I'm trying to post more often but because my memory is shit, I have to watch the movie along with writing. I know it's no excuse but I will try to update with longer chapters. The last one was over 3000 words long. The usual is maybe 1500? Okay anyways, enjoy the chapter and if you have any suggestions, constructive criticism, anything at all, feel free to comment or message me. Okay now on with the chapter.

The boys eventually caught up with you and you gave in and decided to not let what happened ruin the good time. You mostly hung near Gordie because he was like your safety blanket, of sorts. The five of you arrived at the Junkyard fence. The wire monstrosity was adorned with signs that read, 'No Trespassing' and 'Keep Out'. "Hey Vern, looks like your ma's been out driving again." You snorted playfully at your brother's attempt of a joke. Vern clearly didn't find it amusing.

"Oh wow that's so funny I forgot to laugh." He said, shooting Gordie a playful glare.

Teddy decided to pipe in. He held his sleeping bag up and pretended to cock it, like a gun.

"Stand back men!" He shouted and tossed his sleeping bag over the fence. The boy made an obnoxious explosion sound with his mouth, as it hit the ground.

Teddy...where do I even start? You had stopped talking about the train incident and with that, came the fact that you had stopped talking to Teddy almost entirely. He was worried about you. He felt bad about what happened, and you almost felt bad for slapping him and cussing him out. Anyway, he started climbing over the fence as everyone threw their stuff over. No trespassing was enforced by Milo Pressman the junkman and his dog, Chopper, the most feared and least seen dog in Castle Rock. Legend had it that Chopper didn't just train his dog to sick, but to attack specific parts of the human anatomy, thus a kid who had illegally scaled the Junkyard fence might hear the dreaded phrase, "Chopper, sic balls." At the moment however, neither the widely feared Chopper, nor Milo, were in sight. Teddy ran off with Vern, both shouting incoherent army things that only they seemed to understand. You hung back with Chris and Gordie.

"Teddy's crazy." Gordie said.

You all nodded in agreement.

"Yeah," Chris agreed. "He won't live to be twenty, I bet."

You smiled, "Remember that time you saved him in the tree?" You asked the taller of the two.

He nodded before saying, "You know, I dream about that sometimes. Except, in the dreams, I only get a couple of his hairs and down he goes."

You shuddered at the thought of Teddy getting hurt in that tree. What if Chris hadn't been there to save him?

"But you didn't miss him. Chris Chambers never misses, does he?" Gordie said, trying to lighten the mood.

Chris chuckles a bit, "Not even when the ladies leave the seat down." He winks at you and then spits through a hole that he made in his fingers.

The three of you chuckle at this.

"Hey guys, race ya." He says.

You know EXACTLY what your brother would do next.

"Nah I don't know.." he said.

"Awe! Right to the pump man come on!"

Gordie sent a sly wink your way and you smirked, silently agreeing on the plan.

"No I think we're way too tired-GO!" Gordie shouted.

You two took off, leaving Chris in the dust for a moment.

"You're a dead man Lachance." He said and took off after you and your brother.

You fell to the back of the race easily, as you were by no means a fast person. Chris continued his make-shift commentary before speeding up and beating your brother with ease. Gordie arrived at the pump just a second or two after Chris and you stumble your way over, huffing and puffing.

"Oh jeez that didn't feel good." You mumble to yourself as you lie down by the pump that Teddy was using to fill the canteens.

"Awe (Y/N), are you okay? You seem a bit winded." Vern asked, looking down at your heavily breathing figure.

"No....shit....Sherlock." You shot at him, taking a breath between each word.

Teddy looked down at you finally.

"Need a bit of water down there?" He inquired.

You nodded your head and he tossed you your now filled canteen. You waved halfheartedly, as a thanks, and gulped your water down. You sat up and looked at Vern.

"Hey Verno, do me a favor, yeah? Can you go grab my bag please? It's back at the fence." He nodded and left to retrieve the bag, being the kind boy that he is, always willing to help a friend.

You stood up and sat next to Teddy. He shot you a weird look.

"Okay look," you started. "I'm sorry that I blew up."

That's all it took and you were now tearing up.

You continued, "I care about you with my entire heart. I care about all of you so much!! You're my everything." Trailing off at the end, you glanced over at Teddy who was looking at you with something you could only describe as total admiration.

He opened his arms and engulfed you in a loving hug. He ran his hands threw your soft, (H/C) hair, trying to calm you down. You took in his scent and basked in the bliss of being able to apologize.

"I'm sorry too. It was stupid of me to even think I could dodge the train." He said suddenly.

He kissed the top of your head and let you go. Reluctantly, you left the warm embrace. He finished filling the canteens when Gordie and Chris walked over with their arms around each other. You smiled, feeling like everything was right.

Look, I know it's shitty and I haven't updated in a LONG time, but I'm losing inspiration. I have to watch Stand By Me again this weekend and get some more ideas. I'll update a lot more soon. Tough it out 'till then please? Thank you so much for all the support, by the way!! Over 200 reads? That's absolutely insane!! I love you guys! -Emma ❤️

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