Chapter 7: Wow... (Chris)

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The five of you continued on with your journey, now with a sobbing Teddy tucked underneath your arm. Chris carried Teddy's bag and walked next to you, as if waiting for you to get fed up with the boy's crying. You felt awful for what you had just witnessed. As far as you know, you've never seen your best friend this upset. 

Teddy walked with his head smushed into his hands, desperately trying to muffle his cries. A few steps back he had dropped his thick glasses so you picked them up and clipped them to the front of your shirt. 

Vern, and all of the boys for that matter, sensed the tension in the air and were desperately trying to make the blond boy feel better.

Vern muttered in a reassuring manner, "We sure showed him, huh?"

Gordie shook his head and retorted, "Yeah, that we were a bunch of pussies."

You hit your brother in the shoulder for that comment and patted Teddy on his back, trying to comfort him.

He choked out between sobs, "he raked my old man."

You didn't understand how Teddy could love his father so much after all he had put the boy through. At this point you didn't care. All you wanted was for Teddy to feel better. You didn't notice Chris shooting jealous glances a you as you fussed over Teddy.

The crying boy leaned further into you as he let out another sob. 

"He raked my old man!" Teddy said again, much more desperation lacing his words now.

You hugged him closer as you walked and tried desperately to diffuse the situation, "Listen up, who cares what that pile of shit says about your dad?"

You all stopped walking as you looked up directly into Teddy's eyes.

"He still stormed the beach at Normandy, right?"

Gordie nodded along, trying to support your efforts. 

"You think that fat shit stormed the beach at Normandy?" He asked Teddy.

You shot your brother a thankful half smile as everyone continued walking. Teddy, however seemed to be getting more and more upset with our words.

"Forget it, alright?" He mumbled into his hands.

It was so quiet that you almost didn't hear it. 

This went on for a few more steps until Teddy finally reached his limit, "Forget it, alright! Just forget it!"

You jumped back a bit at his reaction, as you had not expected that. He looked at you and hung his head again, seeing as he startled you. He left your side, wiping his tears with his wrist, and walked closer up front. Chris came up to your side and you instinctively grabbed his hand. The tallest of the group could feel his cheeks getting warm as he gripped your hand back. This comforted you, as you were almost as worked up as Teddy was.

Vern started to sing the Ballad of Paladin as you had done before, but was quickly shut down and apologized as everyone eyed him.

Teddy stopped once more and scrunched his fists against the hem of his shirt. He sheepishly met your eyes, then everyone else's and said, "I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everyone's good time."

You gave him a kind and patient smile as your brother explained that maybe it shouldn't be a good time. After all, you were going to see a dead kid's body.

As you continued walking, the air less awkward than before, you retracted your hand from Chris's. He panicked for a moment, thinking he had done something wrong, but then realized you were reaching up to clean Teddy's glasses. After you handed them back to the boy, you pushed yours up the bridge of your nose and relaced your hand with Chris's. This time it felt real. Not just a panicked state of comfort, but real affection. It was safe to say that you both felt fireworks.

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