Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Unlocking the tremors

"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, please don't do this!" Jacklyn begs, they strap her to the familiar electric chair, but she doesn't go willingly. She struggles but she's out manned, they strap her down as she begged for mercy. She knows how painful this is, but they were upping the voltage. "Next time you fail HYDRA, it'll be much worse." Red skull says, his hand hovering over the activation button.

She shook her head in one last attempt to get out of this mess, but the device fastens over her hair, ready to fry her brain. A man sticks a rubber piece in front of her, which she bites down on hesitantly. He bends down and fastens her ankles to the chair, stepping back and letting Red Skull do the rest. The machine activates, electrocuting every ounce of Jacklyn, she grits her teeth, but the scream comes out of her mouth anyway, barely muffled by the rubber piece in her mouth.

To her, it feels like someone is ripping apart her brain cells and force fulling putting them back together and ripping them apart all over again. It doesn't stop, her veins bulge and surge with pain, the eltricity stabbing her over and over and over again, going on for what seemed like had no end, just her screams echoing in the dark, haunting halls of the HYDRA base, she realizes now that her mission with Steve might have been her last chance of escape. Red Skull gives her one last smug look, turning to leave her there since he had lost interest. She stares at him with hatred in her eyes.
Suddenly, with a surge of adrenaline in Jacklyn's veins, the HYDRA base starts to tremble. Dust starts pouring from the ceiling of the underground base, but that doesn't stop the machine. She felt something unrecognizable surge through her veins, some strange, foreign feeling in her mind. She became completely aware of everything in the room, the walls, the machine, the men with confused expressions whipping their heads all around to figure out why the room was trembling. The new sense she unlocked became overwhelming and jumbled, rendering her unable to focus on anything at all. The electricity made everything worse, she realized, she willed the machine to stop as she usually did, usually to no avail, but to her surprise-

it stopped.

The machine made a whirring sound and then the sound of crackling and popping, and then everything stopped. Time seemed to slow down, the shocks ended abruptly and the pain faded. Red Skull watched Jacklyn curiously as she opened her eyes, breathing heavily with relief. She thought they would just reboot the machine and restart her punishment, and she was astonished at Red Skull's reply, "Release her." He ordered, she gaped at him as the cuffs on the chair released, no longer binding her to the retched machine.
"Take her back to her cell and provide her with dinner, I have matters to attend to," he said, the men exchange glances but say nothing as they grab her by her arms.
*Two months later*
"Where are you taking me?" Jacklyn demands, the man only tightens his grip on her arm. "You don't ask questions, only I do." He snarls, making Jacklyn gulp. He released her arm when they stop at a room. She pauses, unsure what to do. "Well? What are you waiting for?" He snaps, making her jump. She heads into the room, looking at the large empty space. The walls were sound proof and cinder block, they looked worn and already crumbling. In the very center of the room were to chairs facing eachother, a dimly lit table in the center. "Sit." He demands, she nervously walks over, the cold floor tingling her bare feet. She was only allowed shoes on missions, a luxury she didn't get. She takes a seat under the poor quality lighting, looking around the room for some hint of a friendly face.

She looks around for a torture device, trying to decipher what they plan to do with her, but nothing. Her hopes spike up that maybe they just need a debriefing on the mission, maybe they are going to train her, maybe- her thoughts are interrupted when the metal door on the other side of the room is forced open. Her heart drops to the bottom of her stomach: Albert.

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