Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Blue is the sky
Jacklyn sat on the cot in the tent, her head thrown back and her eyes closed, every so often, she would have to open her eyes and make sure she wasn't dreaming, make sure that she wasn't in that Hydra base, and everytime she thanked whatever god was out there for allowing her to wake up.

She was left alone to her thoughts, Bucky went to get some rest, he wasn't feeling very well from his own encounter from Hydra, and she saw that. She didn't blame him, but she couldn't sleep. She had super soldier serum in her veins, it was only the stuff Hydra tried to imitate and not Steve's, so the downsides were countless. Most nights it kept her from sleeping.

One thing was for sure to her, whatever they put in her, they put in Bucky too. She realized soon enough that he didn't know that yet, so she decided he would learn when he was ready to accept it. She traced her bruised knuckles with her fingertips, pursing her lips as she thinks to herself. Some sick part of her thanked that they kidnapped Bucky, she wouldn't be out of here if they hadn't, but she tries with all her might to correct those thoughts.

What she went through was terrible, and she would never wish that on someone else. But that didn't really matter to her anymore.
She was free.
The overwhelming emotion finally took her, and tears flowed freely down her cheeks as a sob racked her chest.
She clenched her fist, her fingernails digging into her palm and her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. She thought about the people in the hydra base that could possibly be deceased. She hoped with every fiber of her being that Albert was dead, even though she was ashamed of those thoughts, she knew that if Albert was alive he would come after her. Her heart swelled with guilt when she thought of Mary, the woman who showed her the first kindness she had seen in years, who had actual sympathy written in her eyes. Was she able to escape? Jacklyn asked herself.

"Knock knock." A female voice says, the brunette girl from earlier, Jacklyn had only caught a brief glance at her before.

Jack looked down as the girl entered through the tent flaps, she fought her tears back, swiping her cheeks quickly and looking at the girl. "Hi, I'm Peggy." She says warmly, Jack forces a smile. "Jacklyn." She replied quietly.

Peggy akwardly stands there, rolling on her heels. Jacklyn didn't have much social skills, Hydra didn't exactly teach her about that. "May I sit?" She asks, Jacklyn nodded, smiling as warmly as she could muster. Peggy strolls over and sits down in a chair across from the cot she was on. The cot was very small, but it was about twice the size as the one in her cell, and twice as comfortable. She studied Peggy's features closer, her curly hair was cut at her chin, a bright twinkle in her eyes. She had bright red lips, a tight knee-length brown skirt and a long sleeved blouse that was rolled to her elbows, Peggy narrowed her eyes at her for a moment, as if she recognized her, but shook the feeling off quickly. "So, what's your story? How'd you end up in Hydra?"

Peggy asked bluntly, unsure how to start the conversation. Jacklyn's eyes quickly averted to the floor. Her story had barely begun, she was merely the hollow, broken girl Hydra carved out of her, how could that be any story of interest?

She didn't have a heroic background of saving children from drowning, from saving families from burning buildings, she was nothing. Reading her expression, Peggy spoke up. "You can't keep your eyes on the past, or you won't guarantee yourself a future." She said.

"My future was thrown away the minute Hydra showed up on my doorstep." Jacklyn spat, Peggy's eyebrows raise at her sudden fire but she didn't say anything about it. "Steve said you lived within Hydra for a long time. So that brings to me to this," She leaves forward a little. "What side are you on?" She asked. Jacklyn straightened a little at her question. "I am indebted to the Captain and Bucky. I stick with them." She said, brushing a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear. Peggy smiled softly.

" It's a fine thing Captain Rogers did. Bucky seems very relieved to be back, I can't fathom what Hydra did to him-" She stopped, "to both of you." She said, remembering that Jacklyn came from the torture. From Steve's knowledge, Peggy learned that Jacklyn was a prisoner for fifteen years and she was an orphan, and that's all. "I'm just glad to be out." Jack murmured solemnly. That was an understatement, of course, she was ecstatic to be free, every moment away from them-those monsters- was another breath of fresh air and a little less weight on her heart.

"Hydra has done a lot of bad things, wronged all of us. We all want our revenge, and it's up to you to find out if you want to help us." Peggy said, choosing her words carefully. Jacklyn almost laughed, almost, nobody at this camp has endured anything close to the torment Jacklyn went through for fifteen years, and now that she's escaped, Peggy wants to drag her right back out there. Right back out to Hydra. And the thing is, Jacklyn wanted to.

What Steve and Bucky did for her was a debt she would never be able to repay, but helping put an end to the war would be a start. She raised her chin a little, her hair brushing past her face. Peggy noticed the long, obvious scar trailing around her neck and stopping at her jaw, but only stared for a moment.

Jacklyn notices Bucky walk in to the tent, his hand in his pockets. "Hey-oh, sorry, am I interrupting anything?" Bucky asked cautiously. "No, come in." Peggy says, standing up and brushing the back of her skirt. "I've got to go run a debriefing, I'll see you around Bucky." Peggy says, she looked st Jack. "I look forward to your answer, Jacklyn. Come talk to me anytime." She turned to leave when a smile played upon Bucky's lips, he saw an opportunity, and he was about to take it but his eyes landed on Jack, and for some reason, he didn't. He usually always tried to flirt with Peggy, and this time he had no idea why he didn't try again. Perhaps it would be rude to, with the girl sitting a few feet away from them. Peggy left and he stood across from Jacklyn.

"Um, Steve and I were going to grab a drink with some friends of mine, I don't know if I'm allowed to do this but, come with us will ya?" He asked, she lifted a brow. "A drink? Why don't you just drink here?" She said, slightly amused. He laughed a little. "Alcohol, Jack." He said. She cocked her head to the side, rubbing alcohol? Why would you drink that? She pondered to herself.

Bucky could practically see the gears turning in her head, he mentally noted that she was only a toddler when she was kidnapped, and Hydra wasn't one to give life lessons. "Come on. I'll school you on the 1940s." He said, winking. She took a shaky breath, and stood up. She remembered only clips of life in 1926,and they were all about her mom and dad, and she barely had any of those.

"Alright, I suppose it couldn't hurt. "
She said, showing an unknown source of optimism in her voice.
He grinned, then dragged her out of the tent.

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