Chapter Twenty

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Hey readers, I don't know the names of all of the crew members from The First Avenger so I made up a few. Sorry not sorry. 

Chapter Twenty: Snow in high places


 Jacklyn fell asleep wrapped in Bucky's arms, she didn't dream of Hydra that night. She didn't dream at all. 

Well, she knew that wasn't true, everybody dreampt whether they remembered or not, but she had no recollection of a dream ever coming to her. And that was the greatest gift anyone could ever give. 

The following week, her team intercepted a radio transmission in German, to which Jacklyn and Mark had translated, being the only two who spoke German. 

The transmission was sloppy and improperly secured, clearly rushed, and the urgent message had ordered Dr. Zola to be sent immediately to the coordinates that the Red Skull had given them. The team planned to intercept the train that Zola would be on and kidnap him. The thrill and bloodlust she felt after Zola frightened her, but not enough for her to back out. 

Finally! Zola will get a taste of his own medicine, and the excitement of it startled her.  


Jacklyn was trying not to be too enthralled by the snowy mountains around her, god, she'd seen snow before. But not like this. 

The cold numbed her fingers and her nose and ears, and snow fell upon her head and caught in the hair that wasn't covered by a helmet. Surrounding them were beautiful snow capped pine trees and mountains, and she'd been around them before, but not seeing them without goggles. Not in their full glory. Steve and Bucky had to gain her attention when they heard the train approaching, though they themselves were smiling at her childlike wonder directed to her surroundings. 

Jacklyn had seen snow, sure, but she'd never realized how much she loved it until she saw it like this. She snapped herself out of it when Mark and Timothy switched on the bulky radio they'd brought with them. A spew of German words came from the radio when it turned on, repeating what it'd said before about needing Zola to the Hydra base quickly. 

"Remember when I made you ride the cyclone at Cony Island?" Bucky asked, Jacklyn quirked her chin in confusion, thinking him to be talking to her, and realizing that he was talking to Steve when she saw them staring at the zip line they'd fashioned toward the train. The look on Steve's face meant that wasn't a happy memory. "Yeah and I threw up?" Steve said with a grimace directed both at Bucky and at the zip line. 

Bucky looked at his friend. "This isn't payback is it?" He asked, Jacklyn wasn't sure what they were talking about but a smile came to her lips anyway.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve replied in a way that implied that this was in fact payback for whatever happened in the past. 

"We were right, Dr. Zola's on the train," Mark said from beside Timothy with a earpiece held to his ear. "They gave him permission to use the throttle. Wherever he's going they must need him bad," He finished, letting the earpiece drop onto the snow covered ground. Bucky and Steve exchanged a meaningful look before Steve stuck the captain america helmet atop his head and turning toward the makeshift zipline. 

The zip line was over a steep drop, the sound of the train's wheels on mettle screeched through the air and alerted everyone that it was time to move. Jacklyn tucked the swiss army knife that had been clutched in her hand into her boot scabbard. Janson, another member who held the binoculars to his eyes and watched the train that approached them, said "Let's get going because they're moving like the devil,"

The wideness of his eyes showed enough of exactly what he thought about this plan. 

The Captain threw a metal rod over the zip line, clutching the handles like a lifeline, which they very much were. "We only have a ten second window to get on that train, you miss that window...we're bugs on a windshield." Steve warned, Jacklyn shot him a withering look. "Very inspiring." She muttered, and Janson added. "Mind the gap,"

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