Chapter 1 : The Beginning Of My School Life

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Keith's P.O.V :

It's been one week since I first started my last year of highschool... and I'm super bummed... Why you ask? Well maybe because I have to wake up at Six A.M and go to this hell for a whole year!💢 I mean it's not the classes or anything... It's because of him I just can't say the right things when I'm around him... Not that I can say anything to him.. But it's not just that! I can't think straight when I'm thinking of him too. I Keith Kogane have a crush on the worlds famous model, Lance McClain and I honestly hate myself for liking him out of all people... I know that most of the people in my highschool and even outside of my highschool like him... Which is the reason why I know I will never have a chance with him... Hell, I don't even know if he's gay.

"Keith! Hey, Want to go to lunch since you know... Class is over."

I look up to see one of my friends Pidge, infront of my desk that I am currently laying my upper body on. Me and Pidge met in our first year of highschool. After that... she's been my friend ever since. I pick my head up from my desk that I was moping on and look up at her lazily.

"I'm to depressed to eat." I reply, emphasising the 'deppressed' part.

"You always do this Keith. I'm starting to worry about your  health... How long has it been that you haven't eaten lunch at this school?" She asks putting her right hand on her chin while the other one on her hip.

"Like... a week." I reply, uncaring about my health. She pulls me off the chair I was sitting on and drags me out of the classroom. Damn her hidden strength.

"Hey! You don't have to pull me so damn hard!💢 And what about Hunk?! He's supposed to be here too!"

"Hunk is already at the cafeteria! And stop being a baby!"

"I am not a baby!💢" Pidge pulls me through the cafeteria doors and to the lunch line where I have to get my lunch. I get my lunch and all that stuff and we sit at the same table as Hunk.

"Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Hunk asks me while munching on a burger.

"More like, Keith always wakes up on the wrong side of the bed." Pidge replies to Hunks question.

"Ugh... I'm not even hungry Pidge. Why did you make me get so much food?" I whine.

"Because if you die, I don't want to be blamed for not being a good friend." She picks up the lunch that she had and takes a small bite.

"HaHa! You're so caring Pidge." Hunk laughs through eating his third burger. Seriously, how can the guy eat three burgers so fast and be hungry again after. Hunk stops laughing and looks behind me with a smile.

"Look Keith! your knight in shining armour is here." Hunk points to the back of me and Laugh's, then he finishes his burger moving on to the next. I look behind me to see the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. He's perfect! The way his lips move when he talks... His smile... His laugh... His whole being is practically like a sparkling diamond! Right after dying from his whole appearance. I notice a girl next to him, holding his arm and looking up at him with a smile. I make a disgusted expression and turn around quick.

"What happened? Did your future husband leave?" Pidge asks while Hunk finally finishes all his burgers and looks behind me. By the way, Pidge and Hunk know I have a gay crush on Lance. They tease me here and there about it but they support what people I choose to like.

"Nope. The devil herself is clinging on to Lance and won't let go." Hunk whispers to Pidge while I'm still clearly disgusted by seeing that image of them together. Pidge sighs and takes a bite from a apple from who knows where she got it.

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