Chapter 6 : Terrible Day

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    Today is not a good day. Today is the worst day I ever lived for, in my life. It's so bad, that I got out of school early, just to go home... And mope about it. I LITERALLY don't feel the need to live, anymore. You want to know what happened... Don't you? *Siiiiiigggggghhhhhhssssss* Well. Long story short, I went to school. I instantly hear people whispering about Lance dating someone. I then see Allura and Lance walking all lovey dovey with each other. *Moping increases* I'm probably being over dramatic, but what are the odds of hearing that Lance is 'dating' someone and then Lance × ugh Allura walks into the picture acting like a happy couple! Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Now all there is to do in life is mope and cry and die and mope and cry and die and mope and cry and die and mo- *Dingdong* I jump out of my bed and sigh in relief because I realized it was just my doorbell. Getting off my bed, I went to answer who ever is at my door.

"Hey Keith!" Shiro greets, right after I open the door. I smirk at him and look down at his hands. Woooaaahhh- why are they so beat up?

"Uh... Shiro. Come inside and go to the bathroom right now." I command, as Shiro stares at me with confusion. I take a glance at his hands and look back at his face. He looks at his hands and finally understands why I commanded that. So he happily makes his way inside my apartment and into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, I bandage up his hands and take a puff of air.

"So... How did you get these wounds?" I ask, looking at Shiro dead straight in his eyes. Shiro smiles weakly and scratches his head, pondering on what to say to me. 5 seconds go by, and he finally decides to go clean.

"Okay so... Promise not to get worked up?" Shiro asks me. I look at him and nod.

"You remember my boss, right? Well let's just say I think I done something that he took a liking to, and decided to act with his 'genitals' towards me and not his brain. So I may have had a little fight with punching and hitting and all with my boss, causing him to smash a cup and cut my hands with it." My eyes widen, hearing the words that's coming out of his mouth.

"Wait, so... Let me get this straight."

"You couldn't get anymore ironic, Keith."

"Alright I get it, you know I'm gay.💢
Now listen. So Lotor basically sexually harassed you, so you defended yourself and he cut you with a broken cup for doing that?"
Shiro makes a thinking manner expression. Then he says, "Yeah. That's pretty much it." My eyes widen for the second time today.

"But he could go to jail for that?! Why didn't you call the police!💢"

"Why are you getting mad at me?... I didn't get to call the police because he broke my phone during the fight. I also don't have any evidence. That he did do that." I sigh, and think about this situation that Shiro is in once more. Wait... Isn't the wound on Shiro's hands some type of evidence? He can say what Lotor did, to the police and then Lotor would have no choice but to confess! I smile at Shiro and he questioningly looks at me. I then get up from where I was sitting in my bathroom and ask Shiro, "Do you want to sleep at my apartment since it's dark out or do you want to sleep at your home?" Shiro ponders on this question, "Why?" He asks.

"Because I have a plan to get your stupid boss, Lotor. Arrested." Shiro stands up quickly and grabs me by my shoulders.

"Keith, please do not do anything to get my boss arrested. He can get back at me for this, and he could also pay for his fine in a heart beat. He's rich. Remember? He owns a company. Not to mention, this is the only job that pays me the amount of money I need. Please don't do this."
I glare at Shiro. He doesn't even care that Lotor is a abusive boss?! What's wrong with him!💢

"He sexually harassed you Shiro! If you stay in that job and not do anything about it. He'll just do it again!💢"

"I know, but I just think that I shouldn't call the police or do much of it. It'll just make things easier..."

"No it wouldn't, Shiro!💢 Why is it so hard-"


"-for you to just do something that will help you not get hurt💢 or-"


"-even more harassed💢or maybe even worse, DIE!-"

"KEITH! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP, OKAY?! I'M AN ADULT! AND CAPABLE OF TAKING CARE OF MYSELF! SO COULD YOU JUST BACK OFF FOR ONE SECOND?!" I stare at Shiro, with a shocked expression. Shiro was not the yelling type, but he actually yelled at me... AT ME!💢He thinks he could just tell me to lay off his business when he tells me that his boss frickin CUT HIS HANDS!💢💢💢

"I... I'm sorry Keith. I just went through a lot today... And I'm just really tired. You know? And I didn't mean that, I really appreciate your help. But please, let me figure this out on my own. Alright?" I stare at Shiro with a furious expression. But I calm down after awhile, because of Shiro's gentle face and tired eyes. Man, he really tires himself out too much. I sigh, "It's alright. Just go sit down you're sleeping on the couch tonight. And I'm not taking no for an answer." I glance at Shiro and smile at him. making my way to go get some blankets and a pillow for him to sleep on in my room. Shiro smiles back and does what I asked him to do. After preparing the couch to be sleeped on, I told Shiro that I'm going to sleep so I said good night to him.

Today was such a awful day in so many ways, I think to myself as I close my eyes to slip into dream land.

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