Chapter 3 : Just On Time!

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Third Person's P.O.V :

After Keith Fanboy's about getting his crushes phone number. He walks home to his apartment. Going up the stairs displayed for him to get to his floor. Keith's apartment is on the third floor, he has to take three flights of stairs to get to his apartment, basically... It's tiring going up the flight of stairs, but it's nothing keith can't do.

"Ugh... Stairs." Keith says right after going up his second flight of stairs.

"Why do I have to be on the third floor..." Keith whines this last comment before finally reaching his apartment door. He takes out his keys and begins opening his apartment door with it. As Keith opens his door he does his routine of waking up, breakfast, shower, school, go home, homework, dinner (Which is most likely leftovers from breakfast since Keith cooks a lot when it comes to breakfast) and go to sleep for the next day of school. Keith is on the coming home and eating dinner part, he decided to eat first. Since he didn't eat lunch anyway. As you can see, Keith's life is completely dull. But getting Lance McClain's number... Made it a tad less...

Keith's P.O.V :

"MMMmmm~" I moan as I put my leftovers from Breakfast in my mouth. It was a bacon, cheese and eggs omelet. It was really big. All I had to do was warm it up in my microwave and it's deliciousness can spread in my mouth again.

"Where has this been all my life! Well it's not as good as Hunk's cooking... Because man he can make anything taste delicious... Anything." It's still a surprise how Hunk is younger than me and he can cook way better than me... *Gloom* Now I feel bad for myself... Well, I better finish my homework and study. I almost forgot there was a test tomorrow.

Third Person's P.O.V :

As Keith finishes his leftovers and moves on to his homework, it takes him about an entire hour to finish both his homework and studying. Once he was done with that he put everything away, took a shower and changed into his PJs. (That were pants and a shirt that was in design of the galaxy) After that he noticed it was late and knew he had to get some rest for the next morning.

"Well... Goodnight to me I guess." Keith then turns off his lamp that was on. Excited for the next day ahead of him he closes his eyes tight but softly and let's his mind explore dream land.


Lance's P.O.V :

I wake up in my luxurious bed and see one of my maids come up to me with my breakfast. "It's currently 6:00 A.M, master McClain. Please get done with getting yourself ready at 6:30 A.M." My maid puts my breakfast on my luxurious dresser. "I told you, you can just call me Lance, lily." I say smiling at her nicely. "I know Master McClain. But I was ordered to not call you that... I'm sorry." My smile turns into a frown and I look down at my hands that were on my lap since I was sitting in my bed. "He's still strict?" I glance at her and she smiles sadly while bowing. "I'm afraid so..." I look at her bow then smile. "Well... I guess I can't help it then. He's always been like that..." I say getting off my bed and going to my luxurious closet to get my uniform. I look behind me to lily and say, "You don't have to worry, I'll be fine!" I say with my signature confident smile. I'm aware I'm conceited. But I don't care to change it because I just love myself to much! Lily's sad eyes get replaced with a sparkling spark. "Alright Master McClain. I'll leave you to your private doings." She bows then leaves my room. After she leaves, I get my phone and look at the time. "Holy infinite! It's already 6:20!" I run around crazily getting everything I need ready for school.

Keith's P.O.V :

I dream about me and Lance getting married. Me, wearing the wedding dress and him looking all so handsome in a tux. He was carrying me bridal style and we were staring into each other's eyes for so long. Suddenly he puts me down and grabs me by the waist, then he pulls one of his hands up to my cheek and his face gets closer to mine. There were sparks in the air and his lips were inches from reaching mine... Just one more... little inch... And- *Riiinnnggg!* I bolt up from my bed with a startled expression. "*Sighs* The dream was getting good too..." I look to the side of me where my alarm clock was, still ringing very loudly. I turn off the ringing then look at the time. "Oh my Planet! It's already 6:20!" I quickly get all the things that I need for school situated. "I can't believe I woke up late! I start school at 7:00 and I woke up a 6:20! I was originally suppose to wake up at 6:00 but... I guess my fantasy dreams said other wise." I say to myself. "Well I guess it's just a sandwich for breakfast today!"
I make my sandwich just the way I like it and eat while I leave my apartment. Once I'm out of my apartment building I run to the direction of my school.

Lance's P.O.V :

Right now I was running to my school because it was now 6:45 and I was running extremely late to school! Oh and that pun was totally on purpose. The good old Lance McClain can get you laughing! Or should I say Lanceing! Haha! I'm so smooth. When I was running I could see my school building ahead, "Yes!" I scream breathlessly out of joy, still running towards it.

Keith's P.O.V :

"Dammit it's 6:45!" I run as fast as I could, still eating my sandwich and to my luck I seen my school up ahead! "Yes!" I scream. I keep on running towards my school and as I get closer I see someone else running too and before I bump into something hard I hear a breathless, "Mullet?!"
I groan because I hit my head pretty hard on that thing I bumped into. And open my eyes while sitting up since I fell. "L-lance?" There, rubbing his head in pain before me was my crush Lance! "Haha! That was a pretty hard bump-into-each-other kinda thing, mullet." He gets up and puts his hand in front of me. "Need any help?" He asks while it seems that there's magic all around us. I turn away from him, hiding my flushed beat red face and push his hand away. "I-I'm fine..." I get up and dust my self off. Then mutter "T-thanks anyway..." I started to walk towards my school doors when I feel a arm wrap around my shoulder. "Come on! Stop acting like the cool Emo guy and be nice." Lance says smiling, while walking by my side with his arm around my shoulder. "Uh- I am not acting like a cool Emo guy!💢" I protest back. "Yeah, that's what she said." Lance replies cockily. I stop walking because me and Lance walked to my classroom door already. "This is my classroom Lance. So I'll see you later, bye-" "Wait!" Before I could walk into my class, Lance screamed for me to wait. I stop twisting the door knob and look back at him questioningly. "Do you want to hang out after school?" I thought my heart just exploded because I know Lance did not just say what I think he said. I stare at him blankly, unable to say anything. "Um... Keith? Are you okay? I asked if you wanted to hang out-" "Yes! I-I mean... Fine it's cool..." Lance's face brightens up then he grabs my hands and puts them together with his. "Great! After school meet me in the front where we always come from to get inside of here." He says with his eyes always seeming to get more brighter with joy. I nod and smile then say "Okay, I will. Well goodbye Lance." I wave goodbye to him and I go inside my classroom. After I got in, I apparently got in just on time and sat at my usual seat. I can't believe Lance just asked me to hang out! I mean it's just hanging out and I know it's not a date or anything... But still! Hanging out with Lance McClain is like marriage to me! I get out the materials that the teacher tells the class to get out then pay attention to the rest of the class I had left. I can't wait until after school!

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