So What Happened after Chapter 7? 🤔

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   YGBAnime : This is basically what happened.

"Wait Shiro, how did you know I had a crush on Lance McClain?" Shiro's eyes suddenly widen and Pidge and Hunk laugh at his expression.

"Wait! Thee Lance McClain just kissed you right now!? I never knew you had a crush on him. When I asked who it was out there with you, Pidge just told me it was your crush and that's it!" Shiro then smirks, chuckling to himself.

"Doesn't that mean that Keith Kogane has a Sugar Daddy now?" Shiro says raising his eyebrows up and down, looking at Pidge and Hunk. They both smile at his statement too, and I prepare myself to get a load of teases for getting myself a 'Sugar Daddy'. 

"Oh my stars. Imagine all the things Keith can ask for and will actually get? That is not a bad deal if I do say so myself." Pidge says while repositioning her glasses.

"Yeah dude! How do you feel now that your rich crush is now your boyfriend?" Hunk asks, looking at me excitedly. I rub the back of my head unsuringly.

"Hmm... I don't know. He didn't specifically say that we were boyfriends." I confess. Pidge looks at me questioningly, "What? So he just kissed you and left? But you guys were talking some more afterwards..." I then sat down next to Shiro on a couch.

"He did say something afterwards." I say with a tiny tint of blush on my cheeks. My friends instantly smile at this and beg me to spill the tea.

"Okay well... He said that he loves me." And after I stated that, Hunk got up and started dancing in hapiness while Pidge cheered at the statement I said. Shiro wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me a congratulating bro high five. "We're so proud of you for kissing your crush, Keith." Shiro says as he drinks a drink that he got out of no where. I smile as my friends continue to party, it's been a long time since I felt this happy. It felt really nice.

YGBAnime : And then Keith and Lance showed that they were an actual couple to not only the entire school, but in media as well, not Allura and Lance. Then, they lived happily ever after!!! And Allura was really mad but she got over it... Eventually 😂.

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