Chapter 4 : Crush?

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Keith's P.O.V :


I suddenly regret wanting to hang out with him... There I was, hiding behind some door getting unnoticed while watching MY Lance laughing with... Ugh it's so hard to say, AlLuRa. It all started when all my classes were done and I was so happy to meet Lance at that spot he said.

{Me Walking & Getting Out Of My Last Class Earlier}

💘Lance is all I can think about! He's literally my second favorite thing!💘The galaxy and what's in the galaxy is first of course. Right now I just got out of my last class, and I'm squealing to meet Lance at the front of the school.
As I walk to that spot with my bag and a actual smile (Because I don't really smile) I pass by people conversating with their friends. "Now that's going to be me and Lance one day... I hope." I say as I pass by a couple holding hands. Just as I was about to open the doors to wait in the front of the building for Lance I look through the small glass windows  that the doors had... And cringed with all my happiness draining out.

(Back To The Present)

Which leads me here spying on them. Ignoring the weird looks I get from people. I snap back to reality because I was suddenly day dreaming about how I-know- I-didn't-just-see-what-I-thought-I-saw, and notice Allura is done talking to Lance and coming back into the school building. I quickly go into the nearest classroom and look behind me. Searching for familiar blue hair through the glass, see through window on the door. Once I spot her she seems to be happily talking to her friend as she, not noticing me, passes up the window I was looking through. I sigh and put my back to the door... Wait, I completely forgot I went into a random classroom! I look around the classroom and see some students and a teacher, that came after school to obviously make up something, staring at me. The teacher didn't look too happy. I cough and nod seriously to the teacher, acting like nothing happened and leave the classroom. After that mess up, I go straight out the school, still a little irritated about the Allura with Lance thing, but will still put up with it because I love him. Once I leave the school I walk straight forward, pretending that I didn't see him there waiting for me. What? I want him to call out my name... It makes me feel happy when he says it OK!

Lance : *Looks around, sees Keith* Keith! Where yah going!? *Runs towards Keith*

Keith : *Turns around, eyes widen* L-Lance slow down! You're going to-

Lance : *Crashes into Kieth*

Keith : *Groans* Is this a habit of yours or something?

Lance : *Rubs head and gets off Keith's waist awkwardly* Hey, this habit is perfectly fine in my eyes. *Pouts*

Keith : *Mutters* Cuteness. overload.

Lance : what?

Keith : Nothing...

Lance : So where do yah wanna go?

Keith : Want to get something to eat at Graviti Foodi's?

Lance smiles then nods, I blush looking away and we both walk towards the direction of that restaurant I named. I'm surprised he knows what it is... Since that restaurant is not rich people material. It's more of a fast food restaurant...


(Sitting At A Table)

As I sit across from Lance, he stares at me, making me feel insecure. "L-Lance? I-Is there something on my face?" I manage to say through my uncomfortableness. He just smiles and leans back in his seat "No, Your just a real eye catcher." my eyes widen and I blush lightly, but the blush quickly disappears when Lance says, "All those girls are gonna want you, yah know! Haha!" I make a cringed expression. "Um... Okay..." I awkwardly say. Don't get my hopes up like that you dingdong!💢 I snicker under my breath then notice a waitress coming towards us. She stops in front of our table and looks at Lance gawking. "*Looks at waitress and Lance, Angrily* *Coughs* Um yes. I would like Tenders with a side of fries." She quickly stops gawking, smiling at Lance, batting her eye eyeballs, and Writes down what I ordered.
She turns to Lance with a flirtingly smile. This waitress is like forty years old! Back off woman! Lance tells the waitress that he wants the exact same thing as me and the waitress smiles at him and leaves. Lance turns to look at me and says "She looks young, I wonder how old she is?" I snicker once more and reply with, "What... You wanna go out with her or something." Lances eyes widen. "N-no! I only date people my age! Besides... I already have someone I like..." He Blushes while looking down. It's adorable the way he blushes... But no more hope for me... He already has someone he likes. I should just give up- "Oh! And before you ask me one day about my sexuality, I'ma just tell you now. I'm Bi." -Give up on giving up! Yeah! I was going to say that. But that doesn't matter now! Lance is Bi! I still might have a chance with him. Wait, but what about the person he likes? I have to find out who him or her is! So I know the types he likes... I smirk "Hey Lance?" Lance looks up at me "What?" I fold my arms across my chest and sit back in my seat, still with the smirk on my face "Wanna tell me who your crush is?" He puts his pointer finger up and sways it side to side "Nope! Sorry, but it's staying a secret." I forward my eyebrows, "Can you at least... Let me ask about his or her looks?" Lance puts his hand up to his chin as if he's thinking. "Ha! Why not." He then leans forward from his seat, getting close to me like he has something mysterious to spill. "Alright, So what do you wanna know?"
I think about the question he asked me. Oh I got it! "How is your crushes hair?" "Really? That simple of a question?" Lance taunts. "You said I can ask whatever I want.💢" Lance's eyebrows forward. "Alright jeez! Calm down.💢" Lance then smiles, leaning back in his chair. "To be honest. I never really seen a hairstyle as funny as theirs before, But the more I saw it, it looked so adorable on them!" I nod then begin to ask another question "What about their... Eyes." Lance looks at me thinking for a moment and then chuckles. "Hehe, this is the last question. Okay?" I nod, eager to find out about his answer. He sighs "Their eyes... Were the first thing I saw on their face... They just stood out!" He smiles and looks out the window beside him. "They were the color of shiny cole, uncaring, but lively... They were so... Mysterious. I could tell that in those eyes, were a lot of secrets that I wanted to find out! They were so addicting! and not to mention their smile!" He smiles brightly out the window and turns his head to look at me. "Their eyes... Their smile... Their whole entire being that I want so badly to explore!" He chuckles. "When I see them... the word that pops up in my mind is Beautiful. They were the most Beautiful living thing I have ever seen in my entire life..." He stares deeply into my eyes, still smiling.  "And they still are."

*Bathump! Bathump!* My heart begins to pound through my chest. It felt like it was going to Explode at any minute! It wouldn't stop pounding! And at this moment Lance was staring at me, deep in my eyes while smiling. All I could do was stare deeper into his blue ones. His eyes are like the droplets of the clear ocean... So freshly blue... Suddenly, both of our bodies lean in slowly. His eye lids are half open as he gets closer to me, me doing the same. Are lips were getting closer... I can feel his breath, giving me a tingling sensation... Is he really going to kiss me?!😲*Slam!* We quickly pull away from each other and sit back in our seats, looking at the cause of the slamming on our table. Once I see the cause I smile angrily, "Hello again." I say through gritted teeth. Ruining the moment, AND Lance was about to kiss me! LANCE WAS ABOUT TO KISS ME! My face reddens at the thought, and I look away from Lance and the cause of my kiss not happening. "Thank you, uh-" "Rosa." I hear that waitress from before, say. YES! She was the cause! I look at Lance and he nods. She smiles and glances at me, not even caring about my existence. "I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Call me if you need any problems solved." She then leaves, but the way she said 'Problems solved' was not in a friendly way and she said it towards Lance. 😡 I. Am. Angr- "That girl creeps me out. and I would normally be okay with girls flirting with me." -Partially angry😣. Mostly because Lance thinks she's creepy, which is good. But he said he is okay with girls flirting with him. Which is bad for me. Lance chuckles and smiles at me "Why the mad face?" He asks. Oh nothing, just mad that this waitress woman DARES TO FLIRT WITH YOU!💢 I hope you know you're mine!💢...... Holy infinity Keith, Duh he doesn't know that. "What are y-you talking about? I'm p-perfectly f-fine!" I say through gritted teeth, stuttering through anger, surprisingly controlling my temper pretty well. He raises his eyebrow at me, Then he shrugs and eats his food. I do the same, trying to forget how much I want to strangle rOsA.

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