Chapter 2 : Two Phone Numbers In One Day

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Keith's P.O.V :

{Same Day After School Later}

"Bye Hunk, Don't trip on another rock like last time!" Pidge waves to Hunk as Hunk walks away.

"Hunk told me about earlier with you and Allura. Are you ok Keith? I mean... When Hunk told me what happened Allura sounded pretty harsh." Pidge looks at me awaiting for an answer.

I turn to her with a straight face, "Yeah I'm fine... She wasn't really intimidating..." I scratch the back of my neck and then cross both of my arms.

"Well if you say so, and what's all about confronting him tomorrow?" She smirks while staring fully into my eyes. like she was trying to find out what's the thing that sets me all blush blush. The fact that she succeeded is not a surprise.

"H-hunk told you! *Blush* Well I didn't really tell him not to tell you... And I will confront Lance tomorrow."

"No way! Your going to confess?"

"No! I'm not going to confess! I'm not ready for that... *Blush*"

"So your just going to talk to him?"

"Yeah I am... I think."

"Oh for the love of the Galaxy, Keith! Are you or are you not?"

"I-I am."

"Well good luck then. I'm not going to be at school tomorrow. I have to go to the pet store to help out my brother."

"Well that makes me feel so much better!... Note the the sarcasm."

"Alright Emo Hot pot, I'll see you on Wednesday." Pidge waves then walks away. Just great... Now I only have one companion to support me tomorrow. I know this is really out of the blue but it's really been on my mind... If Pidge is a Junior and she's only fifteen then... Either she's really smart and she skipped a couple of grades or this school isn't normal. I mean, Hunk is Seventeen and he's in his third year like he's suppose to be... Oh my Galaxy... Why am I thinking about this? I feel like an idiot.
I face palm myself and start to walk to my apartment. I live alone because I moved out of my parents house exactly two days before my first day of my Senior year. Wait! Now that I think about it!

"If I'm a Senior and lance is a Junior... I have a crush on someone that's younger than me..." I stop walking and pout.

"Why me..."

"Are you ok Keith?" I suddenly here a voice behind me and jolt up. The voice sounded deep but smooth. I remember the voice from somewhere... I turn around to be greeted with-


"It is you Keith! How has it been? I haven't seen you since you were a first year." He walks up to me and smiles warmly.

"You really haven't changed Shiro... You're always such a friendly guy."

"Haha! Was that a insult?"

"No Shiro. It wasn't."

"Sorry... Back then you just use to be so straight forward and kind of rude... I guess you're less rude."


"You're still straight forward, that's for sure."

"Look who's talking.💢"

"And you still have a temper! Haha!"

"Yeah ok, I get it... How have you been for the past... four years?"

"Great actually! I got a new job"

"Oh really, what's your new job?"
I cross my arms while asking this question.  

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