Chapter 5 : Boating Incident

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    After we were done eating, we left the restaurant and decided to go to a amusement park. The amusement park was called ✴Fun Stars✴ Amusement park.
This really is kinda looking like we're on a date, I wish we were on date. Once we got our tickets and stuff to go inside, Lance asks me,

"So which one first? Milky Way coaster? Big Bang Slam? Or just the little mini games here?" I look around the amusement park, and look at one that catches my eye.

"Hmm... How about the Shooting Stars boating tunnel?" I say, putting my hands in my jacket pockets.

"But isn't that for couples?" Lance exclaims. I look at him with a smirk

"So what? No one's going to know we're not a couple. Besides, I never been on a boat before, so I'm all for it." Lance ponders a bit,

"Alright, fine. But if random people start shipping us, that's all you. But I wouldn't mind anyway, something tells meh that you would." I turn my head to his direction,

"Why would I mind?!💢" Lance then turns to me,

"Why are you mad? You just seem like the stuck up type alright!💢"

"Huh?! I'm not stuck up!💢" I reply back.

"I said seem like the stuck up type. I never said you were!💢" Lance retorts.

"Whatever!💢 I'm going on the ride!" I start to run towards the Shooting Stars boating tunnel ride, and hear Lance say,

"Not if I can make it there first!" If your thinking I just suddenly ran off because I got so mad at Lance that I couldn't talk to him anymore, then your wrong. I ran off because I literally just realized that Lance said he wouldn't mind if people started shipping us. He wouldn't mind if people shipped me and him together. This is so progress that I am making. To my surprise, I reached the ride first, and Lance came after panting like crazy. He was sweating from the running, and that made him even more attractive! I just couldn't help but mumble,

"Oh my stars, just kiss me right now..." Lance looks at me from brushing his hand through his hair and bluntly says,

"Huh?" I quickly blush and look away, "N-nothing. Let's just ride this boat and go on the Milky Way coaster afterwards." Lance chuckles and throws his arm over my shoulders.

"I'll give the old booth lady the tickets, wait here 'Sweetheart'" Lance says, as my face heats up and I look the other way so he couldn't see.

"D-don't call me that, Lance." I may be denying it out loud, but I am so a blushing mess on the inside. I can't really let Lance know I like him yet... I know I said I would tell him but we're having such a good time and I kind of don't want to ruin that. A minute past, and I see Lance walking towards me with a smile and two tickets in his hand.

"Okay Mullet, all we have to do now is wait in the line over there." He points in a direction where a couple of people are standing side by side. Wait... Did he just call me Mullet? Again!💢

"Didn't I tell you not to-💢"

"Shh~ Don't get mad on our romantic boat ride darling. You don't want any more stress do you?" Lance interrupts my lashing out with that little soothing couples line, and hands the tickets to the person taking them, since we were up next. I cross my arms over my chest and sigh while Lance puts his arm over my shoulders.

"Aww~ C'mon Keith, didn't you want to go on this ride? Stop being so grouchy and mad and enjoy it with me!" Lance whispers to me, with his arm still over my shoulders and both of us hopping in the boat. Lance I swear to the sun that if you keep on doing these things to me... my face will literally be the color of blood and I might have a nose bleed!

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