Chapter 7 : It's a Celebration!

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    I wake up and and rub my eyes, kind of croggily from waking up. I look on the side of me and see Shiro's face. Why is Shiro in my bed? Did we... Wait. I pull the covers off both of us and sigh in relief when I see our clothes on us. Good, I plan to have sex with Lance only 😏.  I shake Shiro awake and he slowly flutters his eyes open.

"How did I get here?" Shiro asks. I chuckle and slide out of my bed.

"That's what I'm wondering." I reply back to his confusion. I walk out of my room to the kitchen and start whipping up something. Because, surprise surprise, there's no school! Yay Yay Yay!
Once I was done whipping something up, me and Shiro ate it all up, agreeing that Hunk can cook way better. Whiches why we invited Hunk to my apartment to cook something and join our little friends night. Whiches also why we invited Pidge over my apartment as well, to join the friends night.

"Who's ready to try 'Hunk's Famous Meatloaf'!" Hunk screams. All of us scream me, and Hunk takes out the meatloaf in the most extra way possible.

"We shall haveth a feast, eat my space rangers! We will no longer grow hungry!" Hunk starts talking in a midevil times accent and says things about space and feasting until we die. What can I say, the guy loves food, space, and his friends. Which is what all of us love as well. After we ate Hunks delicious cooking, we had a little karaoke/dance party. Shiro dared Pidge to dance to this song called 'Blue' and she definitely did it all right, well... After she protested a little. I even got it on camera! Hehe. My neighbors will definitely complain to me about this.
I was sitting on my couch when I feel my phone vibrate, so I check and see what the notification is.

"Who texted ya' Keith?" Hunk asks, looking down on my phone screen. I click the message and read it.

"I don't know, it's a unknown number. But I'm going to be right back. My neighbors need to talk to me outside."

"Probably because of all the partying we're having, HAHA!" Hunk just laughs and I chuckle with him. I shout out that I will be back to the rest of my quests and make my way out of my apartment and out of the apartment building.

"What do you want?" I ask in a not caring tone. Lance looks at me confusingly, but grabs me by my shoulders and whispers in my ear, "I have a problem that I need your help on." I push him away gently and go back to my arms crossed over my chest stance.

"Why? Can't you just ask your little girlfriend AlLuRa to help you?" I say in annoyance. Lance scratches the back of his head over his black hoody and stares at me.

"Well you see, that's just the problem. She's not my girlfriend and everyone thinks she is." My eyes widen and I grab his shoulders this time.

"You're saying that you and hEr are not together!" I whisper scream. Lance blinks his eyes at my sudden outburst and then smirks.

"Of course she's not. Why... Were you jealous, Keith?" Lance says knowingly. I blush and instantly go back to crossing my arms, and I look away with a scowl but still blush.

"N-no! Why would I be jealous? I don't even like you." I spit in the most Tsundere way ever. Lance chuckles and  puts his hand on my cheek.

"Really? But I like you~❤" I look up at Lance with a shocked expression, while he grabs me by the waist and cuffs my cheek even more lovingly, staring deep into my eyes with a smile.

"W-what type of like?..." My dumb self asks. Why would he be grabbing me by my waist if he liked me as a friend?! But I want to confirm it. I want to hear him say he loves me. Lance slowly leans in, "This type of like."
HE- HE- HE- K-K-K-K-

Lance just smiles at my dumbfounded expression after doing what he just did

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Lance just smiles at my dumbfounded expression after doing what he just did.

I nod and recover from what just happened. Saying, "Okay. I'll help you tell people that you and Allura are not together." Lance smiles.

"Wait, how did you know that's what I needed help with?" Lance asks confusingly. I chuckle at his cuteness and just shrug. He chuckles as well. Then I realize that I been out here for a pretty long time and my guests might get suspicious.

"I have to go Lance. I have my friends over and I told them I was going to be right back." I tell him. Lance nods in understandment. I smile and turn around to leave, but just as I was about to, Lance pulls me back and kisses me once again. But with so much more passion this time. He pulls away and says, "I love you, Keith." I smile and say, "I love you too, Lance." Keeping my composure. When I'm screaming like a little girl on the inside. Waving goodbye to Lance, I make my way back to my apartment. Once I make it inside my apartment, Shiro asks me, "So what took you so long?"

"Well... I-" "We saw everything." Hunk interrupts. Pidge smacks Hunk in the back of his head, "Hunk! What the Mars!? That was suppose to be a secret." Hunk just shrugs and rubs his sore head. I smile and laugh to myself. My friends are actually hilarious without knowing it.

"Well since we know our boy got that kiss. This party suddenly turned into a celebration." Shiro announces. Everyone nods in agreement and we party like we never partyed before.

Now THIS, was the most happiest day of my life, And I could have never had it better 😁.

Now THIS, was the most happiest day of my life, And I could have never had it better 😁

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