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gilbert sat on the ground quietly with his legs crossed, watching as miss stacy (one of the camp's new counselors) spoke. "i'm sure most of you remember the cabins quite well but i'll explain the set up for the new comers. there are twenty of them, and once you enter the camp grounds there are signs, that i'm sure you all saw, pointing to the boys cabins, on the right, and girls cabins on the left. depending on a cabin's size there will be three, four, or five people staying in it. the cabins themselves have enough beds to accommodate the number of people staying in them. all of them have a dresser or two and the campers chose whose drawer is whose. they also all have a bathroom that you'll share with your roommates. i hope that helps clear why some of you only have two roommates while others have four."

gilbert looked around and saw some people nodding along to her speech, while others had earbuds in and clearly didn't care at all about what she was saying. he giggled slightly at that and ran his hand through his hair while looking back up at miss stacy since she was still speaking. "there are also signs that point to the main hall, in which the cafeteria and activity rooms are located."

she smiled before proceeding, she spoke of rules and schedules for awhile before ending with, "i think that's all the information i have to bore you with for now. go ahead and get back to talking with friends and grab a marshmallow or two. have fun!" she walked off towards the other teachers and gilbert heard people talking all around him, but only one conversation stood out to him.

he heard the voice of billy andrews, a voice that normally he would ignore, except for the fact that the voice was talking about anne. "i cant stand that excuse of a girl. she needs to be put in her place. telling me that i have no friends because i told her the truth. she's unbelievably stupid." he laughed and his friends laughed with him. gilbert's jaw clenched and suddenly he was getting up and walking towards billy.

"how's it going?" he attempted to speak calmly, but anger was laced in his words. billy's smirk practically disappeared from his face in an instant and he spoke cautiously "oh nothing-" "yeah? what were you guys laughing about?" billy looked at the other guys and then at gilbert "oh nothing we were just.." his voice died out as gilbert glared at him. "you were just what?"

billy shook his head. "say it." billy sighed, "look i don't know what your problem is but-" "say it!" gilbert yelled, and suddenly everyone around them was silent. billy looked around at everyone, and then at gilbert. he didn't say anything. gilbert nodded and began walking away.

"why do you even care? she isn't important. we all know that." billy said, regaining his courage and restoring gilbert's anger. then gilbert was running, and then gilbert was punching billy until he stopped. billy groaned on the ground, holding his stomach. gilbert got up and walked away, stumbling slightly. after a few minutes of walking gilbert heard bash's voice.

"gilbert! gilbert! come on blythe you know i'm not athletic enough to chase you! i know you can hear me!" bash's words echoed in gilbert's ears and as soon as they registered he stopped, leaning against a tree and slowly lowering himself onto the ground. bash caught up and sat next to him. "blythe..what the hell was that?" gilbert looked at him seriously for a few seconds before giggling "i have no idea but i liked it." and then they laughed.

until gilbert stopped, and frowned slightly. he hated how impulsive he was, it was something he tired working on but it was an awful habit, and habits are hard to get rude of. he always seemed to make reckless decisions and regret them immediately. he sighed and spoke up.

"i wasn't planning on hitting him. really. it just happened..and i stopped as soon as i realized i was doing it. don't get me wrong, he deserved worse than what i did, but i don't like hurting people, that's not who i want to be y'know?" bash smiled softly, nodded, and patted his back before standing up and holding his hand out. gilbert took it and stood up.

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