Get outta my head!

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Bakugou's pov

As soon as I enter my house I let my schoolbag slip of my back, I didn't care where it landed I walk into my room, slamming the door and jumping on the bed. I grab my pillow and punch it. WHY IS THIS SO CONFUSING?!

As I look around my room I see it's a bit if a mess, I decided to tidy up a bit, then take a shower.

Kirishima's pov.

I was finished taking a shower, i dried myself of and got a new change of clothes and got ready, also packing spare stuff in the bag I was gonna bring over I brushed my hair which was annoying to do, I normaly brush it a bit then gel it up, but whatever. as soon as i was done getting ready i put on a grey and black jacket with black ripped jeans. I got on my phone and texted the group chat.


wait what time again?


...9 i think...


How do you not know?


Uhhh I dont know.

Fluffly hair:

im almost ready how about you guys?


I guess I'm ready you could say.


Almost gimme a sec to find my bag

Hot or cold?:

Yeah im ready.

I check the time, its only 7


Its only 7 I dont wanna have to wait.


come over when ever you want i dont mind


In that case, Im coming right now then.


ill come over in an hour i'm... doing stuff

Hot or cold?:

what kinda stuff


why do you wanna know?!


Guys dont fight we arn't even together.

Fluffy hair:


I turn off my phone, grab my bag and walk out the front door I start my walk to Kaminari's. I couldn't get Bakugou outta my mind, I hope he's happy that i made him come... Anyway as i try get my mind of Bakugou I try think of the things Kaminari said we where doing, Horror movies, ill just stay on the sofa and grab onto the arm of the sofa so ill be fine... hopefully and finally Truth or dare... All i gotta say about that is... we're all fucked. I smile to myself as i thought about a few of the dares I could possibly get, some alright some weird... Some--- Never it wont happen I guess everything van lead my mind to him....

...Do I love you? (Kirishima X Bakugou) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now