Small update!

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Hey guys, im at 500 and something words for the next chapter 300 more to go! anyway If any of you play animal jam, roblox, miceforce or transformice tell me! Also if you have any Bakugou and Kirishima art on aj ill trade a purple short collar.... anyway heres part of the next chapter so you dont get TO annoyed at me!

Animal jam username: 8star9

roblox: badpokemonmaster247

miceforce: bobllue (i think)

transformice: bobllue (idk XD)

Part of the next chapter skip if you want

I arrive at Kaminari's house, i knocked on his door and waited for him to open the door, 1 minute no response, I knock louder he finally opens the door.

"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting."Kaminari says lettting me in.

"Nah its fine." I say smiling

"So when are the others coming?" I ask

"Check the door." as if right on que(I give up on spelling okay?) Todoroki and Midoriya where at the door.

anyway peace out!

...Do I love you? (Kirishima X Bakugou) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now