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Kirishima's pov

After awhile of talking and me saying sorry alot everyone else woke up, Kaminari looked like a mess, Todoroki and Midoriya (I fucked up his Name the while time-- now imma go fix it I'm an idiot. Anyway it's all fixed now.. Hopefully.) We all chatted for a while, but then we all left one by one we did have school tomorrow after all.

Time skip to school

I arrive at school looking around seeing everyone but Bakugou, he must be late again, I walk over to Kaminari smiling.

"Soo how's lover boy?" he asks

"Dude not so loud--"

"Yeah yeah." I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn around.

"H-hi." there was a girl behind me, smaller than me.

"Uhh... Hi?"

"I'm kinda lost can you help me?" she asks

"Sure... Me and Kaminari can help."

"N-no just you." I look at her confused, I look at Kaminari, he looks confused and offened.

"What can I help you with?" she hands me a letter and walks of.

"The fuck..?" I ask

"That's all on you bro." Kaminari says raising his arms.



"Read it you idiot."

"I can't, it says it for Bakugou." I look and Kaminari, he looks at me in disbelief.

"Okay... I wanna read it more." is all he says, I shake my head no as he sighs. Bakugou shows up, he seems to be in a bad mood, and looks sleepy as hell.

"Hey Bakugou, some girl gave me a letter to give to you." he looks at my confused, okay he hasn't got any sleep... I hand him the letter, he opens it reading it not giving a fuck.

"What does it say?" me and Kaminari say in union.

"To Bakugou,

Stay away from Kirishima, he's mine...

That's all it says." Bakugou says as if it's nothing, I don't think his brain processed that, damn he's tired.

"Wait what do they mean stay away from me? What have I done? I'm not anybody's... Right?" I ask panting again, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Stop being so fucking loud and calm down." Bakugou says then yawns, I nod my head

"Let's go to class and hope the teacher isn't in." we all walk into class and take our seats, there's a seat for me this time sadly, but atleast it's beside Bakugou.

"We have a new student, her name is Melan." (Idfk oki?) after that the teacher was asleep.

"Hey, that's the girl that gave me the letter, how does she know our names?" I ask

"Like hell I'd know." Bakugou says acting like he's wide awake

"Dude it's a half day you can go to sleep." I say looking at him

"It's not comfortable." he says now in a sleepy voice.

"You where fine With Kirishima in you lap but your not fine with using a table as a pillow?" Kaminari dramaticly says, I'm gonna bet Bakaugou glared at him because Kaminari's arms where now in the air.

"Sorry, sorry." He says as he puts his arms back down laughing a bit, I smile at them.

Bakugou's pov

I glare at Kaminari growling a bit, I turn my head, now facing Kirishima and put my head on my arms closing my eyes, Im reckt, I didn't get any sleep because Shitty-hair was on mind I think I actually... Love him well it figures because he's never out if my god damn mind, I felt a tap on my back but I ignored it, opening my eyes slightly. I felt tapping again and I growled a bit, Kirishima looked at me weird, I motion behind me with my eyes, he nods and goes back to talking to Kaminari while keeping an eye on me, I felt tapping again, I turn my head around fast anger, clearly showing and what do you know? It's the little brat who told me to stay away from my friend.

"What. The. Actual. FUCK. do. You want?"

"You to stay away from-" I decided to cut her off

"I'm not staying away from my friend, you got that? Now stop fucking tapping me!" I shout putting my head back down, I felt someone patting my shoulder, I turn to see Kiri with a worried expression. I turn my head away, and of course Kiri wasn't giving up so he decided to hug me.

"Look I'm OK, alright?"

"Clearly not, how about you come over to mine and chill later? No studying this time please." Kirishima begs

"Fine, whatever, fuck you Shitty-hair." in other words means, 'stop being so fucking cute, why can't I say no to you?' I hug him back slightly.

"Also if that bitch doesnt leave me and you be I swear I'm gonna loose it--" I sigh as Kirishima hugs me tighter.

If I stop this book I'll be making one-shots

...Do I love you? (Kirishima X Bakugou) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now