Because I love you.

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Uh I started watching anime... And fell in love with three ships REMEMBER THEY ARNT ACTUALY TOGETHR... Thou I wish they where. I might make a oneshot for the other ship or even a book.

Kirishima's pov

I woke up just a normal day, Bakugou was in my house because we where studying and he couldn't have been bothered to walk back to his house, I look at his sleeping figure, He look actually happy. It was considered to be a rare sight for others, but he's happy when the others are away, so meaning when it's just me and him, I swear i'm clingy but I don't know why, well I totally didn't know why... I woke up extra early so I decided to get ready for school. As I was gelling my hair up like normal I hear Bakugou groan.

"Ugh.. Feels like I haven't slept in ages." he yawns I laugh a little

"Morning weird hair." Bakugou says sleepily laying his head on my shoulder, when im finish gelling my hair me and Bakugou brushed our teeth, he attempted to brush his hair but it just sprung back up which made me laugh he puts his head back on my shoulder

"Alright sleepy go get ready for school." Bakugou groans but doesn't move, he yawns again making me yawn

"Damn it." I mumble as he smiles a little but the smile faded quickly, he moves his head off my shoulder and goes and gets ready. While waiting for him I went on my phone onto the group chat, I added Fireball into it (aka Bakugou)

Bakugou was added into the group.

Red riot changed Bakaugou's name to Fireball.

Fluffy as fuck:

Why am i in the group? And what's with the name?

Red riot:
I was bored.

Hot or cold?:
...the hell is up with my name...

Fluffy as fuck:
Who changed my name??

Hot or cold?:
Me, I was bored. Who changed mine?

Fluffy as fuck:
I did, why is mine called Fluffy as fuck?

Red riot:
Young love.

. . . Seriously?

Red riot:
Keep it cool.

Pikachu has logged on.

Ey! How's it going love birds?

Hot or cold?:
...who the fuc- oh wait it's Denki

The one and only.

Red riot:
I'm just gonna finish getting ready.

I thought you where ready...?

Red riot:


Hot or cold?:
Wait what you mean by coming?


...Do I love you? (Kirishima X Bakugou) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now