I think I... no that's stupid.... right?

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I forgot I needed to send out a chapter adding to the fact it's 07:10 I'm reckt.... Sorry if this is shitty. I got no sleep and shit but enough about me

Bakugou's pov.

"Don't wake him asshole!" I whisper shouted.

"Okay, okay jeez." He tried pulling Kiri off, pushing and a few more things nothing worked.

"Nope he's not moving anytime soon."

"No shit Sherlock." and with that he throws a blanket at me and walks into his room.

"Your very fucking helpful." I say through gritted teeth, he gives me the thumbs up and walks on.

"Your a pain in the ass right now Kiri." I mumble wrapping the blanket around us, he stopped shivering slightly.

I start thinking back to the game of truth or dare, he says he has a crush and that he's gay but who is his crush? I'll admit that I like him a lot.

Wait.... I do?

I groaned at my own thought, I'm always confusing myself even more than I need to, but what if I do love him and he doesn't like me back? What if his crush is Kaminari? How will I make him smile when I can't make myself smile, he's the one who keeps me going, he's the reason why I'm talking to the other ass-holes at the school... Well trying to they are a pain in the ass, he calms me down...

I want to see him smile, I want to make him smile, I want to understand how he constantly forgive me, I call him names, he laughs it off, and fuck is it wrong to fall in love with him? I don't know if I love him or not... But let's just leave it of as I like like him.

I turn off the TV and stare at the ceiling, so many questions... Will I be able to find out the answers to them all? I bet not. I grabbed my phone from the arm of the sofa and looked through the photos of me and Kirishima, I smile a bit, lucky nobody is awake.After a while at looking through photos and texts we've sent each other, I yawn and slightly hug Kirishima, I play with his hair for a bit... fuck he's to cute I wonder if he'll like me back... dumb but fuck it I can have dreams too y'know

I think I... no that's stupid.... right?

Yeah that's just stupid, I only like him... I think.

"Can I stop thinking for once?" I mumble aloud, I felt Kirishima's arms loosen from around my neck but he was still on top of me snuggling into my chest, I start drifting into sleep, my eyelids closing slowly. Before I knew it I was sound asleep with Kirishima still on my mind.

Kirishima's pov.

I woke up to the sound of a camera, I look around me noticing that I was laying on top of my crush I felt a blush slowly spread to my ears, Kaminari was taking photos.

"W-what the hell?" I whisper

"Bakugou was right, you are hard to push of." Kaminari says smirking slightly, I look at him confused.

"Last night I went to get some water, Bakugou was muttering to himself until he seen me he asked if I could help push you of, but not wake you up, we both failed and I just left you guys like that... Adding to the fact he didn't wanna wake you but he would've shouted at anyone else. It's impressive and proof that he likes you!"

"first: keep it down he's still sleeping second: True... But it was moreless the same in class, but he pulled me into his lap." I mumble still not wanting to wake Bakugou up or see his reaction. Don't yell at me if I have ruined a friendship.

"Anyway it's about 4 in the morning, go back to sleep." Kaminari says walking of yawning.

"it's only 4?!" I whisper yell, he nods and continues walking to his room, I want to get up, but at the same time I don't, if I get up now this will be cut short, I sigh and hug Bakugou. Looking at the position we're in... He was hugging me slightly, my leg wrapped around his my head was on his chest, I smiled and layed my head back down... Wrapping my arms around his neck again.

Maybe he does like me... Nah I'm just going crazy.

...maybe there's a chance he likes me...

I started falling asleep again.

Time skip

I wake up yawning

"About time you woke the fuck up." I hear someone mumble, I lift my head up only to be looking at Bakugou.

"S-sorry." I studder looking around, he shrugs as I get up slowly, unwrapping my arms from around his neck and started stretching.

"Did you get a good sleep at least?" I ask.

"It was alright I gues- wait why do you wanna know?" he asks.

"Uhh, because I was on t-top of you, it must've been u-uncomfortable, I'm sorry." I say looking away, slightly panicking.

"Dude chill it's alright no need to panic." Bakugou says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.


...Do I love you? (Kirishima X Bakugou) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now