17 | The man in black hood

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"Did you kill him yet?" a man in black hood says to 4 men standing in front of him while he is sitting down on a throne. 

"No master... we tried to approach him but someone suddenly came so we had to leave," one of the 4 men said.

"someone? who was he?" the man in the black hood asked in a deep and evil voice. 

"w-we don't k-know master, he had a black cap with a face mask that covered his face well so we couldn't see his face. He looked like he was really close to him, master," another man said with fear in his voice.

"close? what do you mean close? he can't be close to anyone. He might grow affection if he stays too close to someone. KILL THEM BOTH!!!" the black hooded man said as he disappeared in thin air.

(do you remember when jungkook left jimin's house and taehyung scared him from behind, they are talking about that go to chapter 14 if you don't remember ;) )


Jungkook and taehyung both said bye to Jimin and left to their dorms. Jungkook was still concerned about his cut and was thinking if he should tell taehyung or not. They finally arrived.

"Jungkookah can you make something to eat plz~ I'm mad hungry," taehyung said as he flopped on his bed.

"Make it yourself," jungkook said as he sat down in a chair.

"please~ baby boy," taehyung said stretching that, please.

"can you stop calling me that? I'm not your boyfriend," jungkook said with eww face.

"we can be one. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" taehyung teased.

"eww no... gross," jungkook said as he went to the kitchen.

"so are you making me food?" taehyung smirked.

"no... I'm making myself food a-and since I am already in the kitchen I'll cook you a ramen. You can thank me later," jungkook as he blushed as remembered the older's proposal.

Jungkook went to the kitchen and started boiling water for ramen. He suddenly remembered that his 20th birthday is in one week and the fact that there won't be anyone to celebrate it with makes him sadder.

Taehyung was lying down on his bed waiting for his food when he suddenly heard a phone beep and it was jungkook's. He took jungkook's phone to go give it to the younger but when he saw who texted him, he didn't.

My Other Half:

A-yo bitch u there

Your birthday is in a week

let's do something fun

ik I wasn't there for the past few years but now I am.

you down or nah?

Tadehyung checked the messages and was jungshook. Jungkook's birthday is in a week and he didn't even know. And the thing that bothered him more was the person's name in jungkook's contact. "my other half" what kind of name is that. "I know they are best friends but still," taehyung thought to himself getting a bit jealous.  

Jungkook was done cooking ramen and he came out with two bowls in his hand. 

"Here you go, your ramen," jungkook said as he handed taehyung a bowl.

"thank you..." taehyung said without any emotion.

"what happened to you?" jungkook asked looking the older's reaction.

"nothing why do you care?" taehyung said as he slurped his ramen.

"wow look at you, instead of thanking me you are sulking for no damn reason," jungkook as acting like he was hurt.

"For your kind of information, I'm not sulking. By the way, what did you save my name as in your contact," taehyung asked with mouth filled with ramen.

"your name in my contact? It's 'taehyung-hyung' why do you ask?" jungkook said questioningly.

"nothing just asking," taehyung said as he continued eating his ramen.


I don't know where I'm going with this book. I don't have a plot for this book yet I'm just writing as I go but hope you guys still like it tho. Thanks for all the reads guys I still can't believe people read my book even though its crap.

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