22 | globe

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Taehyung's Pov:

Today was his birthday. I don't even know what to do or what to give him. He was still mad at me for doing it without his permission. I didn't do anything wrong tho, he asked for it.

I decided to go to a gift shop to look for something to give him. I also planned to tell him the truth about me today. I don't know why today but for some reasons, today seem to be the perfect day to tell him. Even if he freaks out or doesn't like the fact that I'm not a human, I want to tell him the truth and how I feel about him.

I entered the gift shop looking for something that will be appropriate to give him. Something cathed my eyes. I saw a globe with a house inside. I quickly went near the globe before someone else takes since there seem to be a lot of people in the shop.

I saw a message near the globe. It read...

"This is a globe that keeps you and your loved one to be happy together. This house inside this globe represents the place where you and your soulmate can live in without thinking about anyone. It's just the two of you alone, it's lonely yet it's very peaceful."

I read the note and it instantly made me think about jungkook

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I read the note and it instantly made me think about jungkook. I like it. 'Should I get him this? What if he doesn't like it? Will he accept me as who I am or will he be scared and run away from me?'

I stopped my mind from thinking too much as I grabbed the globe and took it to the cashier.

"Sir, are you buying this for your girlfriend?" the cashier lady asked me.

"ahh... yes," I answered.

"She is very lucky to have you. This is a globe that makes two lovers connections bond together, more than before. I'm sure your girlfriend will love it," she said as I paid for the globe.

"Thank you. I hope so too," I replied with a smile on my face and left the store saying bye to her.

I was now in my, well our shared dorm. Jungkook wasn't here since he went to the campus. I decided not to go today cuz I had to do this so pretended to be sick so I don't have to go to any classes.

I sat down on my bed as I sighed. 'I should have done something more special' I thought.

As I was thinking, I saw hosoek came flying through the window.

"Hey, sup buddy? You look stressed," hobi said as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah... remember I told you about jungkook's birthday? It's today and I have no clue what to do. I bought something for him but I don't know if it's enough," I said to my best friend who is now eating an apple that he got from the kitchen in a second with his vampire speed.

"Hmm... I see. I gotch you buddy. As long as I am here, there won't be anything to worry about," he said as he turned into a bat and left the room without saying anything else.

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