36 | Past is past. Is it?

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Okay, finally an update... Prepare yourself! Hopefully, you didn't forget the previous chapters lmaoo... Thank you so much for 60k+ reads and 2k+ votes... I can't express how happy I am... Thank you sooo muchhhhh... I will stop now and start writing.


*After 5 years*

"Taemin, Jungwook wake up, You'll be late to school again," Jungkook shouted from the kitchen making breakfast for his two twin sons.

Yes, jungkook has two kids now. After leaving taehyung, he had nowhere to go so he came to Busan and started living with someone named Bogum. After a month of leaving, jungkook found out he was pregnant with taehyung's child but didn't wanna go back thinking he was happy with Jisoo.

Bogum helped him in his difficult times and now they are living under the same roof for almost 5 years. Jungkook was happy with his life although he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss taehyung. When he found out he was pregnant, the only thing he wanted was taehyung next to him and supporting him.

The past was past, now jungkook needs to think about the future. The future of his two children.

Two kids who looked very alike came down the stairs rubbing their eyes with their tiny fists, yawning.

"Dad~" both Taemin and Jungwook screamed running towards Bogum, a smile plastered on their faces. Bogum spread his arms hugging both of them at the same time and taking them to the bathroom to freshen up.

Yes, Taemin and Jungwook think that Bogum is their father, that's what jungkook told them.

"Mom! I want minion pancakes," Taemin said as he came out of the bathroom his brother and Bogum following behind him.

"Coming right up!" jungkook said from the kitchen and the twins danced in excitement sitting in a chair.


"Mr. Kim, your flight to Busan is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m." A girl with blonde hair said.

"Okay, thank you, you can leave now," taehyung said getting up from his chair.

After jungkook left, taehyung had a mental breakdown but managed himself to become the CEO of the Kim Corporation. He left his family including that bitch Jisoo who was the cause of everything. Only if she didn't come in taehyung's life, maybe jungkook still would've been with him.

Taehyung still thinks about jungkook every day. He still has that tiny hope deep inside him that says jungkook will come back that they will meet again and reunite. No matter what he does, he can't forget about the younger. Every night he tries to sleep, jungkook's face appears in front of him.

He had a business trip to Busan. And for some reason, he feels weird today. Well, he feels weird every day since he hasn't drunk blood for years now. He's been getting sick lately. He eats human food but that's no help. Sometimes he will go hunt animals but that's like once in a year.

After jungkook left, he was an empty soul. Thinking about going to Busan just makes him feel like something big's going to happen. Only if he knew why he is feeling this way, he'd cry in joy.

(okay! this is not taehyung and jungkook but Taemin and Jungwook who just happen to look like them

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(okay! this is not taehyung and jungkook but Taemin and Jungwook who just happen to look like them... This is taekook's babies... don't judge me)

I am thinking of doing a Q&A so if you guys have any questions ask...:)

Question's for:






Taehyung's dad




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