Prologue Part One

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Glittering shades of colours shine in a radiant hue, conversations becoming obscure to my mind.

I begin to wonder if there's a reason I've succumbed to the darkness that encased me – to become a facade in this background, like the shadow that is cast in the light.

Growing so used to the shelter and isolation I was placed in due to the overprotectiveness of a diamond whose presence threatened to blind some gems in crystal clear devotion, I would only know a constant suffocation in endearing words that would lead me to be rejected.

Only she knows me well enough to spare my feelings. Yet, in all this time, could a gem – much less a diamond – like me measure up to the glowing shine of White Diamond?

Who would ever believe a gem of darkness could ever shine as bright among diamonds? Even with the knowledge, I was just a myth to everyone on Homeworld.

How far should I go back – before I came to be bubbled in the lower level of the Moon Base, with my only friend: Pearl?

Even though she was assigned by White to guide and serve me, there was never anything in me that liked the thought of her being ordered like she was.

From what I could get clear glimpse of, the pearls that served the other diamonds were submitted to utter adoration and obedience. Something made me wonder if that was product of an authoritative radiance resting within their commanders.

I knew I could never attain that – Or maybe it was the way Homeworld saw the Diamond Matriarch that influenced that. I was never once introduced to the other diamonds – for a reason that was unknown to me. White, however, seemed to placate me, assuring me there was a logical explanation to it.

"They won't understand you, my little Night... I'm sparing you from the rejection," she often said.

Then again, was there more to this story than I've come to realize? Or was it because she was overprotective – because I was her opposite in more ways than one? Was I a mere shadow that could only be coveted and appreciated by her unique brilliance of what a human would call it a "mother's love"?

But there was something inside me that held a discontent of her grip being too confining, like the shackles that connected me to a cage.

As this thought went through my mind, I wondered if it was due to the possible uproar that could be caused with me being a fifth diamond.

A million thoughts ran through my head, speculating how I would be perceived among the other Gems of Homeworld.

"My Diamond...? Are you alright?"

It was the melodic voice of my Pearl, sitting next to me in a sheer bubble that was created by White Diamond herself.

My ability to communicate with gems like these was one of many.

Something made me realize she had been calling me during my stream of lengthy thoughts, making me feel a bit guilty for causing her worry. A soft sigh escaped me as my voice found itself again, wanting to give her some reassurance that I was fine.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. It is just my thoughts have me more consumed than they should... What was it that you needed, my friend?"

If I were in my regular form, I would smile at my friend – a black pearl. They were not seen as much as myself on Homeworld.

White Diamond would use gems like my Pearl as agents and scouts to assess everything on Homeworld, though if these gems were alike – if they were also the same as my Pearl – I would be able to talk to them about the curious scenes that went on in Homeworld – I would then find some semblance of joy.

Even if it was just a small piece that was clutch within my grasp, I held on to it – Well, as much as I could, due to the crack that was on the pearl.

It concerned me as to where she got it – or who hurt her.

Everything in me wanted to shift into my form to heal her, but I soon remembered the promise I made with White.

I had promised not to.

The way I could reduce the crack in my gem form was if I held complete focus, but I knew my companion would worry I'd overexert myself.

Almost if my Pearl could read my thoughts, like she always seemed to, she spoke up – scolding me, aware of that natural, instinctive stubbornness I often showed when I did not think about myself.

Her voice broke through my thoughts once again in the same gentle tone she used, though she was more sensitive with her emotions this time around.

"Please, I'll be fine, my Diamond. It's just a scratch..." Pearl insisted, though I could not really see that as such – I just wished she would have told me who did it.

"It does not look like it... Why won't you tell me who did it? You are my friend."

I wanted to let her know I cared about her safety, yet what I did not know was that I was the source she was trying to protect – which was the result of her injury.

I then began to wonder...

What other secrets have been kept away from me for years, before and after my bubbling?

How many other secrets were kept from me, but White Diamond – a generality of how much of a sheltered existence I've experienced?


I may not shine brightly in the daylight, but – in the dark – I carry a faint glow.  


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