Chapter Seventeen

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"Black Diamond is real! My Stars. . . She's beautiful!"I flushed not used to such compliments for some reason I thought I heard my pearl scoff, but then again it was probably just my imagination on that note.

"I can't believe a mysterious Gem like her is real. . ." All the compliments she gave made me flush unexpectedly.

She approached my side, taking both my hands in hers as her eyes jolted from me to my Pearl, excitement clearly present by the way her hands shook and how her lips turned into an 'o'.

Unable to thank her properly with her stream of compliments, I bent down to her height and carefully wrapped my arms behind her back, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you. . ." I muttered, unable to brush off my embarrassment as my eyes caught a quick sight of the Crystal Gems – all expect for the pale Pearl – looking at me, Amethyst and Steven sharing equally excited smiles, while Garnet only stared at us, curiously showing through the pose she held.

I could feel the Gem tighten the hug after a moment, her hair brushing briefly against my nose.

"Where were you all this time?!" She asked, once having broken free from the embrace.

With that question, the previous smile I carried on my face faded away. Though I was grateful to have her welcome me in such a positive way, I wondered over how I could tell her more about myself and answer her question without leaking anything that could be closely related to a White Diamond.

I was afraid on how she could react if she ever found out I had spilled all this information to the ones she hated the most.

Then again, I was already betraying her by being friends with them.

"I spent most of my life on the Moon Base." I began, searching through my memories in order to come up with a story on the spot. "I was kept there for my own safety and was prevented from traveling back to Homeworld until it was safe again."

"Did you ever return?" The green Gem asked once more, her tone leading me to assume she was yet to begin with her session of questions.

The thought made me even more nervous than before, my mind debating over what I should say.

"It's a bit complicated to explain. . ." My Pearl finally spoke up.

I glanced at her to see what she would say, though I knew she would give out the basic points and details about our time spent on the lunar base. She glanced me though I always allowed her to speak freely about things so I gave her nod to continue."Originally, My Diamond was kept on Homeworld due to the rebellion, but we were stationed on the Moon Base until our retrieval was scheduled. . ."

Everyone else waited for something else to be said, though Peridot was already quick to speak with something I had not expected to hear. I caught Steven's gaze particularly to who wanted to know more about us, and while others waited for me to speak.

"Who was the one in charge of sending you there, then?" She inquired. "What were they like? Did they hurt you?!"

Taken aback by her sudden ambush of questions, I tried to process everything before speaking.

I didn't really know how my friend would respond, though she was aware of what happened when I was accidentally separated from White Diamond. It was a time where I was so curious, it lead me to explore just a minor part of Homeworld, yet I could tell she was angered by me and the dangers of getting attacked.

"My Diamond was. . . out that day. It was before I was assigned. . . I've never seen White diamond so furious – She was just as furious as when news of Pink Diamond's shattering spread across Homeworld."

"After that, it is what made her decide I was best kept hidden. She felt other Gems were not ready to meet me after I was attacked. . ."I answered, though my hand reached over to calm my Pearl.

I've never seen her this angry – Yet, this was long before she was assigned to me. It wasn't her fault, nor was it the fault of the one that attack me.

I knew that they did not understand my existence – I understood they were not aware of me being a Diamond.

Silence took over everyone for a while, until one of them finally broke it.

"You were caged by White Diamond?!" The pale Pearl asked, her voice clear with shock as she placed a hand over her chest, taking a step forward to face with me.

At that moment, I felt myself grow cold.

I had spilled information I had originally planned to keep to myself.

I had put both my Pearl and I at risk.

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