Chapter Twenty Three

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After what I counted as my eleventh day of residing on Earth, we were finally able to go by a full day without getting scolded by our landlord.

My Pearl and I were starting to get used to things like "showering", "swimming", and – most recently – playing "billiards", a game thought to us by one of our neighbours when encountering her by some "pool" tables.

Though I still found the concept strange, seeing as it shared the same name as the pool we had splashed in, my Pearl and I were still able to enjoy ourselves.


The familiar voice belonging to Steven rang clear in my ears, leading me to snap away from my thoughts and look over to him.

He was standing by the pool tables I'd just walked away from, his hand holding onto my Pearl's as he tried to shuffle past the gathering crowd.

"What's the matter, Steven?" I asked, concern showing up over the rest of my emotions as I thought over why he was here and what the sudden commotion surrounding us was about.

"There's been something that's been making me worry. . . There's something going on, and I have a bad feeling about it." He explained, frowning.

Before I had the chance to ask him to explain further what he meant, he gestured me to follow him, still holding onto my Pearl's hand as he directed the two of us out of the apartment complex – excusing ourselves from a few neighbours who asked why we were in such a hurry.

"People've been saying the ocean's been acting all weird lately. . ." He trailed off, stopping on his tracks as he allowed us a moment to catch up with his pace.

We were now far from the complex, our walk having led us to the more commercial area of Beach City – where food shops and stands of all kinds surrounded us, a small group of people gathered by the beach catching my attention.

"I've had a weird feeling about it. . . And I thought I could use your help."

Nodding, I smiled at Steven before looking at my Pearl, who'd now broken free from his hold, approaching my side.

What do you think could be causing this? My Pearl communicated with me.

I am not too sure. . . I replied, my lips tugging downwards when giving thought to her question. But if it worries Steven this much, it must be important. I will make sure to aid him to ensure his safety.

Isn't that supposed to be my job, My Diamond? She teased, smiling at me.

Yes, but I care about the child too much to leave him on his own.

Returning her smile with one of my own, we followed Steven to the beach, where people began to back away from the shore, noticing the tides were rising. Clouds were beginning to turn a dark grey above while the wind started to pick up, the sight of a palm tree shaking vigorously as well as for a large coconut to fall near someone's head leading for the small crowd to break up and begin to flee to the safety of their homes.

"Everybody, get to safety!" Someone yelled, their eyes focusing on the three of us, who'd stayed by despite others beginning to take their leave.

We watched them run and stay behind closed doors, my Pearl taking my hand in hers as the three of us watched how a large, greenish figure began to rise slowly from the water.

It seemed to be a Gem, though as she made her way to land, I caught sight of a somewhat beastly appearance.

She had multiple sets of arms and hands, a sight not that uncommon if it weren't for the fact that they replaced her feet. Her eyes were also a matter of worry, as her stare made me uncomfortable with how her pupils looked – almost as if she struggled with something.

"My Diamond. . ." My Pearl muttered, capturing my attention as my eyes glanced over to her.

"Yes?" I asked, sending her a smile of encouragement.

"Is she a fusion?"

Her question made me focus more on the larger Gem's appearance, causing for shock to take over as I saw two gemstones on her body.

Could they be. . . Could they be forced into doing this? My Pearl communicated once more, a small frown showing up over her gentle features. This fusion. . . She is unlike Garnet – I do not have a good feeling about her. . . She doesn't seem at peace.

I sent an equally worried look her way as I thought over that possibility, our assumptions being interrupted by the fusion yelling at Steven.

"You're coming back with me, Rose Quartz!" She exclaimed.

"N- No!" Her voice sounded slightly different now, it coming out with more struggle – unlike the first one. "He's not going anywhere with you! Just. . . Just leave him alone!"

As the fusion continued to debate with herself, Steven tensed.

I sensed the other Gem in this fusion was more volatile, especially towards the boy and recently learned that Rose was his mother, as well. That information was something that shocked me for him to be a hybrid child. I'd never heard of this, though Homeworld must have wanted to figure him out.

I felt myself become chilled at that thought, thinking over the horrible things that could happen if they were to get a grasp on him.

"You have to stay here with me!"

Those words brought me back to the situation in hand, noticing the fusion had tried to attack Steven, yet he'd defended himself and my Pearl had summoned her blades out. She remained in a defensive stance as she glared at her, waiting for her to make another move that could threaten either one of us.

Deciding it wouldn't be good for the pair of Gems to continue with their fusion, I spoke up, my hands cold as I felt nervousness fall upon me.

"Please, calm down. . ." I trailed off, covering my wrist in an attempt at hiding my gemstone. "You will only hurt each other more if you keep on struggling like this."

Her head turned to me as her numerous eyes focused on my appearance, a confused frown showing up as she inspected me from head to toe.

"Who are you supposed to be?" She asked, scoffing.

"It doesn't matter who she is!" Her other voice spoke again, snapping with anger. "You're making this harder than it needs to be."

Once more, the voices began to bicker, until I yelled for them to stop.

"This needs to end now!" I shouted. "You can't keep on like this – It is not good for either one of you!"

The stern tone of my voice led for the fusion to furrow her eyebrows at me, brief anger showing over her features before she simmered down, the sight of her beginning to approach my side startling me.

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