Chapter Three

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I could feel myself grow dizzied with the revelation. It was of no doubt that – if I were in my physical form – I would have stumbled over my own feet.

I felt ill.

"My Diamond?"

I held back the desire to break out of my bubble – my sudden desperation to be set free – not wanting to worry my friend further than I already had.

"Is everything alright?" Pearl asked, her voice a soothing melody to my hearing.

Trying my best to compose myself, I focused on the present, aware that thinking too much over either the past or the future would cause more harm than good.

It was not the right time to pay mind to trivial things – I had to focus on the now.

"I am fine." I assured her, the desire of reaching out for her constricted by my inability to regain my physical form. "I was only considering what you've told me, and what has become of this place."

"What do you mean, my Diamond?"

"The Moon Base is not what it used to be."

I took a pause, knowing I would need to explain my words with further detail.

"This used to be a restricted area, where only gems of the highest caliber where allowed to enter. Now. . . It seems as if though it has been abandoned. I cannot remember the last time I caught sight of another living being here until today."

"What will you do now?"

Her words caught me off guard – the sheer boldness of her question making my thoughts freeze.

What was I going to do now?

I have been trapped here with my friend for centuries – perhaps, even more than what I thought – and I had recently lost almost all hope at breaking out of this bubble.

That single thread of hope I managed to retrieve during today's observation flew away from my grasp when realizing I had lost a chance by letting the gems leave the base.

Though I was still withdrawn to the possibility of trusting them enough to approach them, they did seem like compassionate beings.

Even with the incident I had witnessed, they seemed like reasonable people.

After all, they did not shatter the Peridot when she disrespected them.

Perhaps, I had a chance after all? Or was this all just wishful thinking?

"Is there anything I can do, my Diamond?"

Once again, my Pearl was able to bring me back down to reality, her voice providing me with that thin thread of hope I had previously discarded.

I remained silent for a while, thinking over her words.

It was not until I felt her getting nervous that I decided to speak up.

"Yes, there is, my Pearl." I replied, aware that — if I had the luxury of having my physical form at this moment — I would most certainly reach out for her hand with a smile. "In fact, I think there is something we can do together."

In contrast to the stress that emanated from her gemstone, I could now feel an energy strong enough to lift my spirits — an energy strong enough to compete with any other.

Her energy was more radiant than any shine White Diamond ever managed to emanate.

Despite her being cracked, she held more vibrance than any other Pearl I'd ever seen.

She was a Pearl – a beautiful, radiant, and vibrant Pearl worthy of much more than what she had now.

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