Chapter Fifteen

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After a long while of watching the landscape that went by our windows, where we rode on what Steven's father labeled a 'van', we arrived at the barn.

The location was composed of a smaller building as compared to Steven's home and it was painted a bright shade of red – a noticeable contrast from the pastel colours composing the previous home.

As I stepped out of the vehicle, I watched as a few birds flew past, these chirping melodiously as they hid behind some trees nearby.

Once I was standing back on firm ground, I offered a hand out to my Pearl, waiting for her to take it so I could help her out of the van.

"Thank you, my Diamond." She spoke, a small smile tugging at her lips, moving forward to help her out of the van and watching as she took in the view of the new surroundings. Her eyes moved from one corner of the barn to another, her vision then focusing on the green Gem we'd seen before at the Moon Base.

"She is still friends with them?" My Pearl transmitted, not wanting for those words to be overheard by the rest. "I would have expected she would not be accompanying them anymore with what happened last time."

"They are more merciful than any other Gem in Homeworld." I replied, my gaze focusing on the way the Peridot spoke with Garnet and Pearl, the three discussing what appeared to be a drilling machine of sorts based on the drawing I could see from where I stood at. "Perhaps, that is why they allowed us into their home – It would not have been the same at our planet."

"Hey, guys!"

Amethyst's voice snapped me away from communicating with my Pearl. I looked over to her side, wanting to see what she'd called me for.

"C'mon over – We want you to meet someone!"

Nodding to her invitation, I made a gesture for my Pearl to follow us, making sure I kept up with her pace so as to not leave her behind.

The three of us walked to the barn, being greeted by Steven sitting on the grass next to the Peridot, with him holding a strange item that seemed to produce a melody – similar to the musical instruments Pearls occasionally used when Diamonds asked them to sing.

I watched from afar as he sang, not wanting to interrupt the time they were sharing together.

The melody matched with his personality, and the words, too – causing me to smile as I bounced my foot gently along with the tune.

Curious, I spared a quick look at my Pearl, wanting to see her reaction.

To my surprise, she was also moving to the rhythm – a warm smile present on her face as she hummed along with him.

Once they finished their work with the drill and Steven with his song, we noticed things seemed to shift that evening among everyone.

My Pearl and I hung back as I was not sure how the Peridot would respond to my presence, so we sat a fair distance away from where the others could spot us.

At the moment, I was curious about everything.

I watched how the sky darkened and felt the breeze cool down, blowing some hair over my Pearl's face, which I helped brush away carefully with my hand.

After observing our surroundings for a while, I looked up, coming across a sight all too breathtaking in spite of the years I spent looking from inside my bubble into Homeworld and the Moon Base.

Now that I could see it from my perspective, this world was simply beautiful, gazing at the night sky with the stars shining above us.

"Hey!" Steven called, his voice a hushed whisper as he tapped my shoulder with his finger, focusing my attention on him.

"Hello, Steven." I replied, a gentle smile present on my face as I wondered over why he'd chosen to call out for me.

"Why're you still here?" He asked, looking up at me. "We're waiting for you to join us!"

"I don't know, Steven. . . " I mumbled, a frown replacing my smile. "What if she doesn't like me? I am not exactly. . . I am not exactly part of your group."

"That doesn't matter!" He insisted, offering out a hand for both me and my Pearl.

"We can't be friends if we don't get to know each other first! Why don't you talk with her for a while? I'm sure you can work it out."

Unable to brush away his encouragement, I chewed on my lip, thinking over his invitation. I looked at my Pearl for a second before taking in a breath and standing up from the grass, uncertainty taking over my thoughts and hands balling up into fists.

"Alright." I spoke, my tone firm and decisive. "I will go meet with her."

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