Prologue Part Two

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A sudden feeling of worry came over me when I was called to a private audience with White Diamond, yet it faded away when she came to visit me, telling me that I – along with my Pearl – would be bubbled and sent to the Moon Base for my own protection.

Instead of being poofed like most gems, there had been a unique ability that I possessed to revert back to my gem state.

I stretched out my magic to surround my Pearl, aiding her on going back to her own gem form.

No one else had come along with her when others needed to address me – that is how things were. Even so, I wasn't surprised, since almost none of our people knew about me.

"You will be safest on the Moon, little Night..." I recalled the affectionate nickname White Diamond gave me as I was formed inside her sheer bubble and while she scooped my Pearl along with me – balancing us cautiously in her hands.

Something urged me to ask what was going on, but each time I did, there was not one answer she was willing to give me.

That is, until my Pearl – who spoke with her most respectful and gentle tone – said that, if I had my physical form, I could hug her if I wanted to.

I felt grateful even if White would not answer me directly, as maybe she – my Pearl – could answer my questions instead, even if it was only a fraction of information – no matter how little.

Outside the walls of my room there had been a commotion that rustled everyone in Homeworld. All I could hear were whispers from them – most engaged in frightened conversations about a Rose Quartz with her companion: a Pearl, and how they threatened the balance of the way things were done for centuries.

"My Diamond, I hope you not find this disrespectful, but I was wanting to inquire if everything is alright. It seems there is a commotion going on that is unsettling you..."

At least, when it came to me, White would not lecture my Pearl too harshly.

When her eyes began to narrow, they slowly settled on my gem before softening just a fraction.

"I see..." Her voice came out, though she paused to formulate her words carefully.

At the time, I began to wonder...

Was it out of concern for me, or was it something she did not think I would handle well?

That seemed to be a mystery to me whilst she found her words and addressed us both.

"It's just a small uproar with some unruly idealists, little Night. Nothing more, nothing less. I will take care of it along with the others."

Her tone was full of absolution, the strict edge in her voice hinting at something. The emotions brewing there made me detect a hint of anger and sadness.

I wondered...

What had went on that made her sound that way?

I shook that question away.

There was no time for me to give my voice a chance to ask about anything.

Changing back to the topic at hand, she pulled me from my thoughts as her voice pierced them.

"I am transferring you both to the Moon Base for your safety. Once things have settled down, I will come for you later." Her gaze zeroed in on my Pearl - who paid attention to what a ruler of all gem kind was about to say to her. "It is your duty to make sure nothing happens to Black Diamond, until I send for her retrieval."

"Yes, White Diamond. I will lay down my life for My Diamond." Pearl's voice had a crystal clear tone, signaling that she understood her words.

When she spoke like that, I couldn't help thinking that anyone – especially one who was my friend – should not care to have a status lower than mine.

How could they be so devoted to us?

Yet, while I wished they would consider themselves more, I remembered I was scolded countless times for thinking that way — but that did not stop me this time.

I wondered how other gems saw themselves, not just pearls in general, but rather everyone on Homeworld instead.

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