Chapter Twenty Four

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To my relief, she seemed to be calming down, despite her approach causing for worry to rise within me.

Unlike when I first caught sight of her, she now seemed calmer and her eyes didn't contain the alarming tension the two fused Gems once displayed.

Carefully, she began to lower down to my eye level, her multiple eyes focusing on me as she waited for me to speak. I made sure I remained with a composed stance and tugged at the fabric of my outfit, covering my gemstone away from her sight.

"I do not know what might be troubling you." I began, gulping the lump forming on my throat. "But I would like to help."

Her curious look turned into a steely glare, her teeth gritting and hands slowing pushing her forward, leading for my Pearl to try and lunge at her – only to be stopped by Steven, who assured her I could deal with this for the moment.

"What makes you think you can help?" She challenged, each time inching closer, causing me to take a step back as precaution. "You're just a human!"

Her words made for a sudden wave of realization to crash against me, the situation in hand requiring for me to display the diamond on my wrist if I truly wanted to help break them away from their fused state.

The thought made my head spin and for my legs to falter.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my Pearl exclaim, allowing for a brief sense of calm to take over.

I looked at the pair observing our exchange, seeing her concern clear on her face and for Steven to direct a thumbs up at me, mouthing that 'I can do this'.

Gathering up my courage to approach her in the friendliest manner I could muster, I stretched a hand out and used it to take one of her hands in my own, a gentle smile showing on my face as I made eye contact with her. Cautiously, my hand slowly hovered over hers, making sure the cloth covering my wrist stayed in place.

"Let me help set you free. . ." I mumbled, closing my eyes, not before catching a hint of a startle on her face and a hint of a green blush dusted over her cheeks, having been caught off guard with my actions.

I concentrated my powers on her two gemstones, trying to get for the pair to unfuse. My breathing leveled down and I felt myself beginning to drift away, meditating until I finally felt my powers begin with their healing treatment. Warmth began to spread over my wrist, the growing energy slowly crawling upwards.

It was at that moment I felt her back away from me, her hand harshly tugging away from mine.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled, backing away from me.

"I want to set you free!" I spoke, exasperation escaping my tone.

There was a moment of silence before she managed to speak up again.

"I don't want to be set free!" The more stressed voice of the two exclaimed. "Do you have any idea what danger you're putting yourself to?"

The fusion continued to back away, seeming to have another internal conflict as she took one step back and another forward – almost as if her body was one of those 'marionettes' Steven had once told me about.

"I can't let her escape!" She spoke again, her body approaching the ocean again as half of her body submerged itself in the water.

With that statement, she formed a set of water chains and wrapped herself with them, forcing herself into the ocean, but still being held by the other Gem composing the fusion.

I could tell their minds were in a constant struggle with one another, showing different views that I saw within their minds. One thing was certain for me: I knew this was a toxic relationship, one reason that started this altogether was the Lapis's pure self sacrifice opposed to the Jasper's, who was more about wanting to show off power – with something a bit darker hiding behind that.

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