Chapter Ten

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fter a long while of explaining to them why we were here and why we chose this path, my Pearl and I followed them to a place they referred to as "the beach". The scenery was composed of thinner trees – as compared to those I'd seen next to the lake, particles of sand, and a few more winged creatures flying above our heads, their desired path made easier to find with the sun rays shining over them.

"What was your journey to arrive like?" The Pearl asked to my friend, the Pearl walking behind the fusion and the Amethyst, while I stayed behind them all along with Steven's company, watching how they conversed with each other – at the same time answering the questions Steven directed at me.

"So. . . You're like Black Diamond, right?" He asked, leading me to nod in response.

"Yes, though. . . For various reasons, I remain mostly as a myth among the rest of the Diamonds."

Worried he might inquire further about that topic, I was relieved to have him ask me about other things instead.

"But you like the name (Y/N) better?"

"I do." I replied, smiling. "It. . . It is a name I've always cherished more than the other one."

"That's good!" Steven spoke, a bright grin present on his round face. "So, (Y/N) and BP, huh? You guys are on your own adventure now! Isn't that exciting?"

My previous smile tugged higher when hearing his words.

"We are." I assented. "My friend seems to be enjoying herself, too."

Steven sent me a smile which seemed so infectious it made me form my own. We ventured down the beach, though I could feel the curious stares on my back.

I was not in my original form any longer.

Unlike the other Diamonds, I found myself liking the human height – not really understanding why we needed to be larger than life compared to the other gems.

"Never heard about the Diamonds being nice, or having Pearls as friends." He stated curiously, looking at me as if searching for an answer to why I made such a decision, giving a small chuckle.

This child was such a natural wonder to me, it made me think about — and wonder if — all human children were like this on Earth.

I decided to give him a truthful answer about why I saw my Pearl – or BP as my friend seemed to call her – though there would be a caution inside my mind.

Still, I was not under White's care, so it warmed me that I could speak freely.

"For as long as I can remember, Pearl has been the only one around me — like she would do anything for me. . . I'd protect her just the same." I smiled down at Steven, who held a bright twinkle in his eyes – though my Pearl flushed in embarrassment, causing me to chuckle.

"M- My Diamond, stop that!"

I couldn't help suppress a giggle as I witnessed her reddened cheeks, Steven smiling from ear to ear as he and the rest of the Crystal Gems continued to lead us to their home.

A part of me still remained suspicious over how they were treating us, yet seeing and hearing the honest joy from the boy made for my thoughts to soften and ease out – if only scarcely. I kept on telling him about what were our hopes and what we expected to find here on Earth.

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