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It has been the best 3 days of my life. The best weekend ever! But now school is back. Woohoo, School, (sarcasm). I walk through the school gates and into the school-yard. I had a large smile on my face. Hoseok and I were together for all 3 days, the first day, We confessed, then the other two we were doing couple things I guess.

As I walk I am suddenly back-hugged. I turn in the hug, only to see my sunshine. He smiled brightly at me, I smiled back. "Hey," I say with a smile, poking his DIMPLE. He laughs. "Hello, beautiful." He says. A blush spreads over my cheeks. "Ya, we gotta go to class," I said backing away from the hug. Hoseok chuckles. "Let's go." He says and grabs my hand. We start walking, hands intertwined. A smile still fully displayed on my face. He led the way to our first class.


"I'm so hungry!" I groaned as I walked into the lunch hall with Hoseok. I had packed a lunch, but someone had stolen it in class. Hoseok had gotten mad, but I insisted that it was fine. He was still bit mad but had calmed down as we walked to the lunch hall. We were, as usual, holding hands. No one really cared about a new couple, well until they broke up or had a fight. I hope that doesn't happen to us anytime soon. I frowned when Hoseok had to go get his lunch. I went and sat down at our table. Sitting, I got my math book out and started to study today's lesson.

After a few seconds of studying, the book was harshly slammed down. I looked up so see Seluge. She is glaring daggers into mine. I slightly flinched. "Hmm, I wonder why such a handsome boy, likes such an ugly rat?" She asked. My eyes began to sing. "Especially one that can't KOOK very well." She added, smirking. Then she put my lunch box in front of me. "I threw most of it away, it tasted gross." She said pretending to throw up. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked pushing her back from me. She huffed, "You-re a rat, why are you with Hoseok?" She asked rudely. I shrugged, "Why do you need to know?" I asked her rudely. I saw anger in her eyes. She raised her hand about to slap me until her wrist was grabbed. I looked at the person gripping her wrist, only to see Hoseok. "Do we have a problem here?" He asked, raising his voice a bit, anger clear in his voice. "N-no." Seluge stuttered pulling her hand away from his grip. She bowed and the quickly left.
"You would've let her slap you?" Hoseok asked. I shrugged, "I don't like fighting." I said, Hoseok laughed, then ruffled my hair. I laughed.


I laughed as Hoseok carried me on his back. We were walking to the park. He decided it would be cute if he gave me a piggyback ride. I laughed as he started to run quicker. We were both laughing. I smiled widely, as we arrived at the park. Hoseok smiles and places me down softly, he pecks my lips once I'm in front of him. I blush.

"Let's sit," Hoseok says and plops down. I carefully sit next to him. "Have you ever tried a dance class?" Hoseok suddenly asks. I nod. "before my father and brother past, I was the top in my class." I say with a smirk. Hoseok smirks. "I was the top in my class too." He says we both stare into each other's eyes, both of us still smirking.

We both burst into laughter. I could tell that we would both be very competitive. I smile as Hoseok is still laughing. His laugh gave me butterflies. He stopped laughing and smiled back at me.


We stop at my door, he pecks my lips again, I pout. Hoseok chuckles. "Why the pouty face?" He asks hugging me. I hugged back. He knew why I had pouted. He was teasing me. We pull away from the hug, but he has his arms still around my waist, he smiles, looked at my eyes. Hoseoks beautiful brown orbs staring into my eyes lovingly. He leans down, closer and closer once again. One of his hands reach my jaw, tilting it more up-words. I inch closer, moving onto my tippy toes. His index finger caressing my jaw, drawing me even nearer. his warm breath can be felt against my lips. But he stays there, just out of my reach. He's teasing me again. I grow impatient and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. Our lips connect. He chuckles into the kiss. I smile.

We pull away. I blush when he looks back at me. "Well, B-bye Hobi." I stutter. "Bye," he says as his ears turn red. "Ji-woo, one more thing." He says and I look at him, he smiles. "I love you." He says softly. I smile. "I love you too, Hoseok." I say turning and scurrying into my house.

In The Stars {J•Hoseok} <J-Hope>Where stories live. Discover now