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The performance was a success! My New York fans are so nice, some even brought me gifts! I felt bad because I didn't have anything to give them back. My family tells me not to worry about it, but I really do feel like I'm taking from these people, instead of giving to them. On another note, I've received some news from my opening act, Olivia. She has a secret no one else can know, so that's why I'm writing it in my 'diary'. She is actually an undercover spy working for someone who wants to figure out the secrets of the music industry. She told me that it would've been easier to just tell me instead of having me be suspicious the whole tour. I agree with her. If I were to have found out by myself, I probably wouldn't have taken it as well as I did when she told me. I pushed for her to tell me more, but she said that's all she can tell me at this point. I'm a little concerned, but intrigued. Maybe this girl can help me...
Signed-Dollah Bil

Today was one of the rare days I didn't have a show. I was supposed to sleep in, but I had a reason not to. That reason: Olivia.

Ever since she told me her secret, I've had so many questions. Is her whole music career based off of this secret? Why would she be doing this? Who is the person she's working for? And the question that had been coming up in my mind more than any other one: What should I know that I don't?

I already know about the whole music industry being controlling and stuff, but doesn't everyone know that? Is there something I'm missing? It concerns me that I'm knee deep in something so serious, yet I'm still clueless of what's actually happening.

I decided the only way I will get answers, is to follow Olivia.

I looked outside the window of my tourbus. Just as I suspected, I saw Olivia walking out of her bus. I expected her to go to my manager's tour bus, but to my horror, she walked straight up to mine.

She stopped when she was right in front of my window, and then looked me dead in the eyes. I gasped and ran back to my bed and pretended to sleep.

Olivia doesn't have the key, so she won't be able to get into my tour bus. Oh how I was wrong.

With a couple of snaps, I knew my lack had been broken, and the door had been unlocked. The door was slammed open and to my surprise, Olivia calmly said "Billie, come with me".

"Uh- ok" I replied.

I hopped off my bed and followed Olivia to an Alley. Sort of sketchy.

Olivia Leaned in and said "I want to help you".

"I don't know what you are talking about?" I replied. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Listen, I have made many discoveries while being undercover, and I know for a fact that you are being controlled. I can see it in your eyes Billie. You are lost".

I am lost. I do want Olivia's help. But I just can't admit to it. Not after all this. I have built my music career so high, that one smallest change can knock it all down. I do wish to be free of my fame, but I'm just not ready to let it go.

"Olivia, you are crazy. I don't need help, I'm doing just fine. I'm not being controlled either. I have had a say in everything." I had just lied to Olivia.

"Plus, why should I trust you? You are a spy!"

Olivia sighed. "I-" Olivia got got cut off by another voice. "You two are coming with me."

Ooooo how do ya guys like the book so far? I don't know why I'm referring to you as "ya guys" because I have like no readers. Anyway, I'm really struggling and need suggestions in the comments for the plot. I've hit a road block DX. Love y'all

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