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Today was a meeting with my label. I was supposed to bring the new song.... but I chickened out. I'm having second thoughts about this. I'm really worried. What if the label understood the song? Even worse, what if the people Olivia used to work for found out about that song??? They would know that Olivia blew her cover and they would-

My frantic thoughts were interrupted by a scream-whispering Olivia.



"There is a person outside from the spy agency! They could be here for us!".

I quickly ran to the bottom bunk of my bed, and pulled the curtains shut, hiding myself. Olivia somehow.... got into the refrigerator?

The bus was so quiet, that I could hear my own heartbeat.

I hear the doorknob turn, and then a large thud.

"Who are you and who gave you authorization to be here?" A muffled voice said.

"A-a-a" another voice stuttered.

"Leave now or you'll be in trouble"

I heard footsteps going from loud, to soft, to gone. Whoever was tying to get in the bus, left.

I got out of my hiding place and peered put the window. A body guard was standing there, looking proud.

I looked over to the refrigerator, and felt a bit concerned. I walked over to it, and opened the door to reveal a freezing Olivia.

"Th-h-at-t w-was a-a b-bad id-dea" Olivia said, and I snorted.

"Go take a hot shower" I said to Olivia.

She snickered a little bit, and left the bus, heading towards her own.

I decided to go explore the city of Indianapolis, while I still had some time before a performance. I had another flashback.

"Woooow" I said, gazing at the city around me. I had never been out of California, and my first ever tour was opening new experiences for me.

I started to rush ahead of my family, but they stopped me.

"Bil Honey," my mom said. "You have to get ready for your show tonight! I'm sorry, but there is no time to explore."

It wasn't fair. I should be able to choose when and where I perform.

But yet, I had no choice.

I couldn't bring myself to walk any further. I had to get ready for my show anyway.

I turned back and started walking towards the venue, but a hand grabbed me. I turned around and saw a young person, probably a little older than me. They had short brown hair with pink highlights. Their eyes were a pretty hazel color.

They covered my mouth and whispered something in my ear.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just trust me, and go along with me".

I struggled in their grasp. I tried to kick, but they were too strong.

We started walking- well more like I was dragged- back to my tour bus. The body guard wasn't there. Of course now he takes his lunch break.

I walk into the bus with the stranger. We sit down, and they slowly take their hand off my mouth.


They roll their eyes and say "Look, I am on your side. I just needed to talk to you first. I don't think you would have trusted me."

"Ok, but you still didn't answer any of my questions".

"*sigh* The name is Bex. I am here to warn you".

"About what? You know what, this can wait, I have to get ready for my show".

I get up and start to walk out the door, but Bex stops me.

"Wait!" They say.  "Is Olivia here?"

I raise an eyebrow. "How do you know Olivia?"

Bex stares at the ground and says "She's my girlfriend".

Aaaaaa Bex is my new favorite character. Obviously inspired by the amazing Bex Taylor Klaus. Also, I'm emotionally damaged by the 7th season of a kid's cartoon. Ok bye. WAIT. Thank you for 100 reads! I know it's nothing, but this is my first book and it's a milestone. Ok, bye for real.

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