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It was complicated. There is no way I can do this. How is it even possible if..... maybe I'm over thinking it. I mean, Olive will help me (I know she doesn't like me calling her that but she can't see my diary ;)) . It's going to require a great amount of effort and bravery, although none of those are my strong suits. If I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure our plan will work.

The night after my concert in Boston, Olivia and I set to work. We were going to write a song about the industry, and explaining everything that goes on.

I know it doesn't sound that bad, but think about how difficult it is to get this song produced without anyone knowing what it's about. In order to get our message across via lyrics, we had to use lots of subtle messages, and metaphors, to grab the people's attentions.

Olivia and I sat in my tour bus throwing lyrics and ideas around at each other. It felt weird writing with her because I usually do it with my brother.

After a while of thinking and developing lyrics, we finally had enough notes to compile a song. Olivia started jotting it all down. She had to push her brown curly hair out of her face every now and then.

After what felt like hours, Olivia finally smiled and announced that the song was done. She slipped it to me, waiting for me to read it.

Just at that moment I had a flashback


I was in some sort of room. I vividly remembered the strong scent of rose air freshener. I was waiting for something- someone? The door door then opened, to reveal my parents, brother, and a man I recognized as my manager. All of them had mixed expressions on their faces.

"Good news, and bad news". My manager said to me. "The good news is, the label has agreed to sign you! The bad news is that... you can't do any of the song writing, because you are only 13{because six feet under was released when Billie was 14, I am only one to assume she was first signed at at least 13 Years old}.

I looked down with sadness. The whole reason I wanted to start a career, was to share my music with the world. How will I do that now?

We all sat in silence for a bit, until Finneas spoke up.

"Oh my gosh! What if  I take credit for some writing and production? I'm 18, so that legally makes me an adult!". I laughed at that last remark.

"That's perfect!" I beamed.

Finneas and I had set to work, writing music for the label. We had finished putting together our first song, 'Six Feet Under'. Finneas slid the piece of paper to me, and let me read it.


The flashback ended, and I wiped a single tear from my eye. Why am I taking this risk? I was once so thrilled and excited to be working in the music industry, and now I am very close to being fired.

Olivia snapped me out of my thoughts. "Billie? BILLIE ARE YOU OKAAAAAAYYYYYY-"

I put a hand over her mouth, to stop the screaming.

"I'm fine" I laughed.

I quickly read the song, and I loved it. The symbolism, and themes fit perfectly with what I was going through, and very subtly. It better work....

Sorry for a shorter than usual chapter! I'm excited to continue this book- I have a lot in store for it. Just another reminder that I'm open to suggestions! Also comment names! I'm trying to find a name for an upcoming character. Once again, thank you so much for reading and I hope you are enjoying the book. Love y'all,

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