No Sleep

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Your Point Of View

I sat cross-legged, staring at the walls. It was early, so early that not even the other Runners were awake, but I didn't care. I was still replaying the nightmare over and over in my head. I let out a sigh and got up, before grabbing my clothes and heading for a shower. I could tell that this would be a long day.

After my shower, I noticed that Frypan and some of the other Gladers were awake, so I headed over and sat next to Minho. He ruffled my hair playfully and I laughed. We spoke to each other for a while before Newt and Gally joined us.

"Morning" I said, yawning.

"Jeez, Y/N, you look rough" Gally gaped, looking worried.

"Erm, thanks?" I scoffed, offended, "I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep"

"You need your sleep if you're going running, you know" Newt commented.

I looked at him and shrugged. I just needed plenty of sugar in my system and I could run for miles.

"I'm all good" I replied, " I promise"

My friends looked unconvinced but didn't say anything else on the matter.

"Oi, you stupid shanks!" Alby shouted from behind us, "Doors open in two minutes, get ready"

Minho and I rolled our eyes at each other and got up from the bench. Frypan handed us both our usual packs - filled with water and sandwiches- and we jogged to the walls. With a deafening bang, the walls opened and we ran into the maze.


"Y/N, you shucking idiot, what are you doing?!" Minho yelled.

"Having a drink, you shank!" I replied bitterly. "Is there a problem?"


No, just hurry" he answered. "I need food!"

I smirked and threw him my last sandwich, which he gratefully bit into. I put my water back in my pack and began running again. We soon arrived back at the Glade, being greeted by our fellow Gladers. Ignoring them all, I sat down at a bench and wolfed down the bowl of stew that had been left for me.

"New Greenie tomorrow" Newt said, sitting beside me.

"Mm-hmm" I hummed, unable to speak due to your mouthful of food.

He laughed. "So, you're hungry then?"

I swallowed. "Yes, very hungry. And tired. And thirsty, actually."

"Is there anything you're not?" he smirked.

"Dead?" I replied, proudly.

Newt's smirk vanished. "Excuse me, Y/N, but I have somewhere to be."

And with that, he walked away, leaving me alone at the table.

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now